Day 3 APLUS Grant Grade 2
Schedule Introduction/Opening/Review HW (9:00-9:30) Critical Learning Phase Connection (9:30-10:15) Video (10:00-10:15) Model Grouping Tens Assessment (10:00-10:30) Practice (10:30-10:45) Stations (10:45-11:30) LUNCH (11:30-12:45) Stations (12:45-1:15) Assess LIVE students! /Discussion(1:15-2:00) Benchmark Report (2:00-2:15) Organizational Tips/Connections (2:15-3:00) Day 3 in class is p.82-92; Day 3 HW p. 93-111 *
Review Homework p. 87-91 How do children demonstrate an understanding of the questions “how many groups” or “how many altogether?” Sometimes children appear to understand the structure of a two-digit number but actually do not. How can you tell if they fully understand? How do these critical learning phases help students understand the structure of number to assist in knowing 10 more/less?
Critical Learning Phase Cont… (Chapter 4) p.91 Understanding the Structure of Tens and Ones Using Symbols LET’S DISCUSS! Discuss the points under each critical learning phase on pages 91-93 *
Video Assessment 8 Grouping Tens Assessment/Kathy Richardson
Grouping Tens AssessmentWhat are we trying to determine in this assessment? Can the student decompose numbers to 20 into tens and ones, by showing the value of the 1 in the tens place in teen numbers and by telling the number leftover when ten is removed from the teen number? Can the student tell how many in a quantity if the number of tens and ones is known and if the student can add and take away ten without counting? Can the student add and take away groups of ten to 2- digit numbers?
What does the Assessment look like?
Let’s try the Grouping Tens assessment with a partner! Go to Log-in information: District ID: Teacher : Password: Materials Needed: cubes or counters Teachers should go through this assessment with a partner. *
Grouping Tens Stations Lots of Lines Grab and Add Race to 0 Race to 100 Also remind participants about paper shapes activity being the same as lots of lines and yarn shapes with different levels of participation. Yarn Shapes *
Fuel your brain by station exploration! (before and after lunch) “What would you look for as students work in stations?” What questions would you ask?” Break for Lunch!!!! station, think about… *
Grouping Tens Stations Lots of Lines Grab and Add Race to 0 Race to 100 Yarn Shapes *
ASSESS Time! You will now get the opportunity to assess LIVE CHILDREN!!! Please feel free to ask questions and please take your time.
Remind participants how to access the reports on amc anywhere. *
Understanding the Instructional Levels Ready to Apply (A) The student can already do a particular task and is ready to use this skill in other settings. Needs Practice (P) The student can do a particular task with some level of effort but still needs more experiences to develop facility and consistency. Needs Instruction (I) The student has some idea of what a task is about but needs support Needs Prerequisite (N) The student does not yet understand the concept and needs to work with mathematical ideas that precede the concept being assessed
Access CC and Discuss Access the Common Core Standards and identify which standards the Grouping Tens Assessment addresses. Discuss with your table mates the correlation between the assessment and these standards. Next, discuss how Investigations links to this assessment as well as the CC standards.
How does this assessment link to your second grade standards? 2.NBT.1 Understand that the three digits of a three digit number represent amounts of hundreds, tens, and ones; e.g., 706 equals 7 hundreds, 0 tens, and 6 ones. Understand the following as special cases:(See 2.NBT.1a & b) One hundred can be thought of as a bundle of tens called “hundred” The numbers 100-900 refer to one, two, three etc…hundreds and 0 tens and 0 ones *
MORE! 2.NBT.3 Read and write numbers to 1000 using base- ten numerals, number names, and expanded form. 2.NBT.4 Compare 2 three digit numbers based on meaning of the hundreds, tens and ones digits
Link it! 2.NBT.8 Mentally add 10 or 100 to any number 100-900 and mentally subtract 10 or 100 from a given number 100-900
Setting up for Success What would a plan for success look like in your room? What insights do you have about how you can organize your room effectively? Have participants count off using tribal counting seize to romp to complete this discussion time.
How might this fit into your day? Structure 1-Math Workshop with Daily Workstations Focus mini lesson Independent stations/Guided math groups Group share
How might this fit into your day? Structure 2-Half and Half Investigations/Common Core Skills, Math Talk, Problem Solving AMC work stations/small group / conferencing *This model can be split into thirds
How might this fit into your day? Structure 3-Workstation Day Initial introduction of AMC stations; workstation day once per week Other days are common core and Investigations work
How might this fit into your day? Structure 4-Flexible Grouping Create flexible groups based on student needs Outside of the regular instruction time Make a clear intention for the groups based on AMC data to teach a skill
Ways to Introduce New Stations! Teach new activities during whole group or small group Only introduce one or two stations at a time Eventually, you can have 8-10 stations at a time Stations can stay in place for 8-10 weeks or longer depending on your instructional goals
Sample Schedule Whole Group Number talk 5-10 minutes Concepts/Skill Mini Lesson 10-15 minutes Independent Work 30-40 minutes Students begin activities; teacher checks in with students Small group/Happens concurrently Teacher keeps a small group for instruction Teacher observes students in workstation after small group No more than one small group a day Reflective Thinking 5-10 minutes
In your blue book, please read p. 199-203 The End…. Homework for tonight: In your blue book, please read p. 199-203