Chat the cat ate food from the can Chat the cat ate food from the can. He wanted to live in a nice warm house. He came up with a plan. Page 1
Chat the cat had seen a house at the edge of the woods Chat the cat had seen a house at the edge of the woods. Chat the cat saw a tan man working in his garden. Page 2
Chat the cat ran and ran. He stopped when he saw the house Chat the cat ran and ran. He stopped when he saw the house. There was a fan in the window and a van in driveway. Page 4
The cat could see the man making food in a pan The cat could see the man making food in a pan. He put his plan into action. He said, “Meow, meow, meow.” Page 5
The man came out to see who was meowing The man came out to see who was meowing. Chat the cat said, “Meow, meow, meow.” The man saw the cat and said, “Are you hungry little cat?” Page 5
The man picked up Chat the cat. He said, “You look hungry little cat The man picked up Chat the cat. He said, “You look hungry little cat.” The man took the cat into his house. Chat’s plan was working. Page 6
After the cat ate. The cat cuddled in the chair next to the man After the cat ate. The cat cuddled in the chair next to the man. Chat the cat purred very loudly. The man said, “Do you want to stay and live here with me?” Chat’s plan had worked. The end. Page 7