An Update on PCSK9 Inhibitors
Program Goals
Support for LDL Causality in ASCVD
Genetics of LDL Lowering
Evidence For Drugs That Provide Additional LDL-C Lowering in Combination With Statins
Very Low Levels of Atherogenic Lipoproteins and the Risk for Cardiovascular Events
Comparison of Lipid Guidelines by Society
2016 ACC Expert Consensus: Role of Non-Statin Therapies in LDL-C Lowering
2016 ESC/EAS Guidelines on the Management of Dyslipidemias: Treatment Goals for LDL-C
LDL-C: Target, Goals, and Thresholds for Non-Statin Therapy
Impact of a PCSK9 mAb on LDLR Expression
Currently Available PCSK9 Inhibitors
Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial
Niacin: Negative Outcome Studies in Dyslipidemia
FOURIER: Types of Cardiovascular Outcomes
Comparison of FOURIER With Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration
PCSK9 Inhibitor CV Outcomes Trials
Alirocumab and Evolocumab: US Labeling and Indications
Guideline Updates on the Use of PCSK9 Inhibitors
Integrating Emerging Clinical Data Into Clinical Practice: An Evolving Treatment Algorithm
Safety of Low LDL-C: Alirocumab-Treated Patients in the Global Safety Pool
AACE Recommendations
Barrier Studies and Recommendations
Improving Access to PCSK9 Inhibitors
Abbreviations (cont)
Abbreviations (cont)