Trainings 11/18 Advanced Java Things.


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Presentation transcript:

Trainings 11/18 Advanced Java Things

Why Strongback? Similar to Command based, unlike other frameworks Allows for testable code and simulations off robot

What’s different? Subsystem → Requirable Command → Command (yes it is still the same, different methods) Operator Interface → Switch Reactor Sensors → A lot more sensor types Angle Sensor Gyroscope Current Sensor Distance Sensor Switch Voltage Sensor And many more Has a good logging system Mock components which can be used for simulation off robot

How do I get it? Install it here

Let’s write a program!

Git 101: Let’s Git down to business

What is Git? Version Control System - A system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later How does it work? Similar to Google Drive, but for code Files are saved locally, and then pushed to a server for use later Files can be retrieved from the server Git allows for many people to work on the same set of code We use Github for our “repositories” or sets of code Download

Tutorial Let’s go through this tutorial to learn the basics of git

Git Practices Everyone will work on forks and make Pull Requests (PRs) which will be reviewed by a lead Commit Messages should always complete the sentence “This commit will ____” Eg. git commit -m “Add new code” Fills the sentence “This commit will add new code” Labels will be used for the stage that a certain subsystem is on Labels include: In Review, Testing, Rejected, Passed All PRs MUST pass the Travis CI build