Mosflm Progress Report Harry Powell MRC -LMB, Cambridge Cosener’s House Tuesday 18th March 2008
detectors - 1 Pilatus images - to do: obliquity correction miniCBF (“normal mode”) - okay fullCBF - okay, but not written the same as the miniCBF (Dectris to respond) nonCBF (Dectris “native” format, has no useful header information) to do: obliquity correction spatial distortion
detectors - 2 Bruker detectors to do: can be used after conversion with frm2frm to do: two-theta arm corrections for iMosflm 1-byte per pixel format blind region correction for phi scans using non-zero kappa
detectors - 3 Mar flat panel detector (mar555) Can be read okay now some issues over poor data quality (mostly seems to be hardware related) not a high priority - possible that even the one installed in Lund will be returned.
processing enhancements - 1 Automated backstop masking discussed with François implemented independent version based on Canny method for circular backstops to do: write XML rectangular backstops backstop arm general shape
infrastructure Support programming for iMosflm, training Luke e.g. XML brought up to date, e.g. for Testgen Interface between iMosflm & ccp4i not considered a high priority, but have discussed with Pete Briggs and Luke. Should be straightforward to launch an iMosflm task from ccp4i, the other way round would need considerable thought given to the design. Two releases in this period - Mosflm versions 7.0.2 and 7.0.3 (bug fix).
et cetera - 1 Diamond related activities visiting ~once a fortnight helping with general data processing queries training beamline staff in DP discussions about image formats - Pilatus 6M & 2M MarCCD both native and CBF formats (Jun Aishima)
et cetera - 2 Releases and downloads (as of 13:05, March 14th) ipmosflm 7.0.2 - 1076 (released 28/01/2008) “ 7.0.3 - 316 (released 29/02/2008) iMosflm 0.6.0 - 361 (including Windows: 452) “ 0.6.1 - 138 ( “ “ 203) Teaching, lectures... Lund, Hamburg, GSK, Study Weekend Bug fixes, user support, etc etc...
so, what’s next? Backstops: Pilatus: Extending to rectangular backstops & arms (+ more general shapes). XML for iMosflm Pilatus: spatial distortion and obliquity corrections. Bruker: 1-byte per pixel images tidy generalized code for multi-circle goniostats iMosflm & ccp4i (Assisting in) Allowing launch of iMosflm from ccp4i Generating test data for autoindexing.