Current Event Project Objective: Demonstrate your ability to summarize and react/reflect on an informational text for the purpose of a professional oral presentation. Every Friday, we will have students present an article about a event that occurred within the last 5 years (since 2012) in a specific part of the word. Suggestion: Even though the topic will be narrowed, your subject will not be. Search for articles regarding things you are interested in including movies, video games, politics, fads/crazes, the economy, the environment, science, etc. On your assigned day of presentation you will need to complete two items: Oral presentation Hand-copy of packet that includes: The article you are presenting Your two-paragraph essay (objective summary & reaction) Failure to be ready on your assigned day of presentation will result in points lost to the grade. Don’t come into my room the day of presentation and tell me you need to print something.
Essay Each paragraph should be composed of five or more sentences each. Paragraph 1: Summary Summarize the entire article, using the SWBST chart to assist you. Your summary must be objective. Half the points for this item will be removed if there is anything remotely subjective in your summary. Your summary should mention the main idea of the article as well as any and all supporting details. Paragraph 2: Reaction This is the paragraph where you are allowed to express your thoughts and opinions. Consider discussing answers to some of the following questions in this paragraph How will this event impact its country? How will this event impact the world? How will this event personally impact you?
Current Event Rubric 10 20 Facing Your Audience (10) Item Points Possible Points Total Hard Copy of Article 10 Paragraph 1 – Objective Summary 20 Paragraph 2 - Reaction Oral Presentation Facing Your Audience (10) Projecting Voice Clearly (10) Standing Professionally Still and not swaying (10) Being on time and not printing items on the day of presentation (20) 50 Extra Credit – Presenting Ahead of Schedule (if possible)
Total # of Points Deducted Deduction of Points Item Total # of Points Deducted Not being prepared on YOUR day of presentation, including printing your items the moment you come into class -20 Late points/ not presenting on the day YOU scheduled or were scheduled for -50 Being a disrespectful member of the audience, including Head down on desk Laptop opened Working on other assignments/drawing and coloring Talking/Noise Heckling -30
Narrow Topic for Current Event Academic Quarter Topic of Research 1 Europe 2 Africa, Asia, or Australia 3 The Americas 4 North Carolina