Achieving best practice 3 Year Licences Achieving best practice
How we got here In 2015, the Gambling Act 2003 was amended, allowing Class 4 licences to be granted for up to three years The Commentary for the Gambling Amendment Bill (No 3) set out that “the intention is that longer licences should act as an incentive for best practice and compliance among societies and venues”
The Objective The Department set out to design a three year licence process that improves performance and rewards societies and clubs demonstrating best practice It must also encourage ‘best practice’ over and above meeting all the legal requirements annual licence Recognise diversity of licence holders Operate as voluntary
Development Mid-2016 Informal consultation with stakeholders began Late 2016 Sector forums explaining the progress and direction of the project Early 2017 Sector Technical Reference Group (STRG) was established Workshops held to discuss technical details of the Best Practise licencing April 2017 Consultation Document issued setting out the proposal Late 2017 STRG assisted in testing and refining assessment framework
Self-Assessment Framework The cornerstone of the 3 year licence application is self- assessment Societies and clubs are expected to look across their organisations to demonstrate that: There are effective systems and practices in place which reflect the size and structure of the organisation There are systems in place to monitor how well the practices are working and to identify areas for improvement There are regular reviews of systems and policies Practices are conducted to improve performance
Self-Assessment Framework Five Categories: - Leadership and Direction - Minimising Harm - Maximising Benefit - Engagement - Risk and Financial Management 16 subcategories with questions, prompts and examples to assist in providing evidence. As simple 4 point rating scale: - Strong - Capable - Developing - Weak
What do I need to do? To apply for a three year licence you must have: a rating of ‘strong’ in the mandatory subcategories; a rating of ‘strong’ in at least one other subcategory for each of the following categories: - Leadership & Direction Delivery: Minimising Harm Delivery: Maximising Benefit; and no ratings of ‘weak’ in any part of the assessment Expectation that only societies whose self-assessments show they are demonstrating best practice will apply
Self-Assessment Guidance and Templates Developed for both societies and clubs Includes examples of how to demonstrate achievement in each category and the type of evidence that can be used to support assessments Helps applicants identify strengths and highlights where improvements can be made While a self-assessment can be used to support a three year licence application there are other uses
How to apply? To apply for a three year licence, submit to the Department: Self-assessment A licence renewal application A covering letter indicating intention to apply for a three year licence
So why a 3 year licence? The potential benefits of a three year licence include: Reputational value An incentive for continued improvement within a framework Increasing collaborative relationships Easing the administrative burden Allows longer-term planning Potential cost savings Each will be of different value to different societies/clubs. Ultimately, it is up to each society to decide whether to apply
So why a 3 year licence? The Department’s vision for the class 4 gambling system is to have a safe, trusted and transparent gambling sector that benefits communities. A class 4 sector that continually improves practices and innovates Strong performance enhances reputation of the class 4 sector with the public, promoting sustainability Assurance to regulators and communities that the sector is entitled to a social licence as custodians of community funds
So, where to from here? The Department intends to have guidance materials and self- assessment templates available from 1 April 2018