Is it Wrong to Defy Your Sexuality? (Part 1) Video 1
God didn’t make a _______ when He designed you as either a boy or a girl. mistake
You can’t reassign God’s design.
Biological Sex “Our reproductive anatomy as male or female including our internal and external sex organs, chromosomes, and hormones which are wired into our DNA.”
Gender “A sociological term redefined as being self-determined based on sexual and mental orientation.”
“The awareness and sense of oneself as either male or female.” Gender Identity “The awareness and sense of oneself as either male or female.”
Gender Dysphoria “Describes a person whose gender identity is in conflict with their biological sex.”
Digression of Gender Distinction Term Application Biological Sex You are male or female based on your biological makeup. Gender You are male or female based on your sexual and mental orientation. Gender Identity You are male or female based on how you feel. Gender Dysphoria You are male or female based on what you want to be. Digression of Gender Distinction
Biological sex is based on ______ while gender, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all based on ______. design desire
You can’t reassign God’s design.
Why were you _____ as a male or female? born You are either a male or female because of _______. biology
I. You have a _________ blueprint. biological A person can alter their physical anatomy to ______ the opposite gender, but they cannot change their biological blueprint. mimic
II. Your biological blueprint has a _________. Designer God ________ in you as either a boy or a girl. delights
You can’t reassign God’s design.