Welcome to Back-to-School Night Fourth Grade Mrs. Jennifer Bender
Important Information School begins: 8:55 a.m. Recess: 11:55-12:25 p.m. Lunch 12:25-12:55 p.m. Dismissal: 3:35 p.m. Second Bell
Important School Personnel 610-489-5000 x43200 Principal – Mrs. Debra Euker School Secretary – Mrs. Judy Schofield School Nurse – Mrs. Mary Thomas School Counselor- Mrs. Linda Ehmer
Specials Monday- Gym or health (I will inform you as the year progresses) *Students must wear sneakers on gym days. Tuesday - GYM Wednesday – Music Thursday - Art Friday- Library
4B is Wired! Go to: www.methacton.org Go to Schools, Click Woodland. Go to “Teacher sites” Click “Jennifer Bender. Once you visit our site, save it to your favorites! Add your cell phone or email address for instant breaking news. You will be notified whenever the site is updated. REMIND APP: Please register Send me your email include your child’s name: jbender@methacton.org
REMIND app https://www.remind.com/join/6g722g
Student Expectations Read 20+ minutes every night. Come to class and be on time. Complete class work on time. Do all your homework and bring it to school with you each day. Bring all necessary materials to class. Be an active learner- participate! Respect others. Read 20+ minutes every night.
Balanced Literacy Phonemic Awareness Phonics & Spelling Vocabulary Development Fluency Comprehension Writing Motivation
Curriculum Reading and Grammar- Harcourt WONDERSSeries Writing- Being a Writer
Curriculum- continued Math- Everyday Mathematics Social Studies – Regions and Pennsylvania Civics and History
Hands-On Science Fourth grade will complete three hands-on science units this year: Life Science Weather, Simple Machines, Solar System Energy and electricity
Homework Homework is copied every day. Students are responsible for copying assignments into their planners. Have your student check each section of their folio. Put items back in the proper section. “Return to school” is for notes, etc. Students have been instructed to make sure they have everything before they leave. Homework is due the next day unless otherwise directed.
Folio IF you have not purchased one of these for your child, please do. (7 section, zipper closure)
Free Reading Book Needed Students should always have a chapter book at their desk for reading if they finish their work early AND a second chapter book for when they are done with the first. We will do a lot of reading in class. The library as well as my book selection are available, but , if you can help with this, that would be great!!!
(Determined by the Linden Board of Education) Grading Scale (Determined by the Linden Board of Education) A = 90 -100 B = 80 - 89 C = 70 - 79 D = 70 - 74 F = 0 – 69 Progress reports keep you informed of your child’s quarterly progress.
SNACK will start on MONDAY 9/11 Snack Daily ABSOLUTELY NO Peanuts or Tree Nuts Snack should be small, easy to eat (NO UTENSILS) and quick to eat. Consider sending in a spare snack for your child to keep as a reserve. SNACK will start on MONDAY 9/11
How to contact me jbender@methacton.org 610-489-5000 x 43405 DO NOT EMAIL A CHANGE IN PLANS. Please call the school. All staff can be contacted with their first name initial, last name@methacton.org
Volunteering You must have your clearances to volunteer in any capacity. Please look in to doing so. There are many wonderful activities to participate in that you may lose out on!
Transportation If you plan to pick up you child EVERY DAY in car loop or as a walker, I need a note that states that. You must send in a note with any changes to the set transportation arrangement. If a child is coming home with your child they must both have notes.
General Questions? Thank you for coming!!!!!!!!! Please take one of each of the items on the back table. Please take home the Open House and write a note to your student.
Please remember…We’re glad your child is here…. Welcome to Woodland!