Welcome Back to a New and Exciting Year!!
4th Grade Teacher: Mr. Poitra
A little bit about ME! Questions?
My Family Jessi Sydnee Brandt
Weekly Schedule
Classroom Rules and Expectations
School must be a safe and protected place where a student can come to learn without fear and have fun doing so.
You will be required to follow TMES student handbook discipline policy as well as our own classroom rules and consequences. We will go over the school wide rules later on.
We have one “Super Rule” If you follow it, you will do well! You can do whatever you want in this room, as long as it doesn’t cause a problem for anyone else (including me). Let’s discuss what this means.
What Happens When You Misbehave??? (consequences) That is going to depend on the unique situation and the unique individual. If you think your consequences are unfair, tell me why and we will discuss it. However, I will try to be fair at all times.
Behavior Action Plan
Stop And Think Stop and Think Good Choice or Bad Choice What step do I need to do to make a good choice Just Do it! I did a great job!! Pat yourself on the back.
Choices in the Classroom This year, you will be partly in control of this classroom. You will have choices that YOU will make everyday. These include……………………………
Always pay attention when I am talking-you might miss something important Do not talk when I am talking Don’t get up unless I give permission Follow directions as given Raise your hand when you have a question or would like to say or do something. DON’T BLURT THINGS OUT!! (signal system)
No Walking Around Do not leave your desk unless you have permission! Hats are not allowed at all in the building. They can be worn only outside. This classroom is a “No Whining Zone.” That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason.
Ask Questions If you don’t understand something, be sure to ask me or someone else for help. Don’t be afraid to ask questions; that is why I am here, to help you become a better student and person.
Absolutely No Food or Beverages in the classroom-that includes gum and sunseeds. You will lose 1 recess if you are caught with gum or candy. DON’T bring it to school!! Also, no MP3 players, electronic games or cellphones
Use of the Bathroom will be limited Use the bathroom or get a drink in the morning or when we have breaks. We will have scheduled bathrooms breaks throughout the day. The only exceptions will be emergencies!!
WHY DO WE HAVE PROCEDURES? Procedures are the ways we do things. To do things correctly, we have to follow procedures such as:To place a phone call, we need to enter numbers in the right order. To mail a letter, we need to write down the correct address and zip code. So, to be successful in learning, we need to follow some simple procedures.
Stay on Task! Remember that you all start out with an “A” and it is your responsibility keep that “A” by getting your assignments finished. If you are off task, you will make up time during recess.
Classroom Procedure and Routines In the morning: 1. Hang your coat in your locker 2. Sharpen your pencils 0r buy pencil from me--$0.25 3. Turn in homework—If not, finish at Recess 4. Work on other assigments that you have not finished, 5. Read a book, Draw, or complete morning work assignment, flash cards (see poster)
Some of the procedures and routines we will practice: Entering a classroom Tardies Absences—Make-up work Sharpening Pencils Turning in papers Walking in line Going to the Nurse or Office
More Procedures and Routines Knowing the Schedule Finding the assignments for the day Passing in papers Exchange of papers Moving about the room Paper Headings When you finish your work (chart in back)
Final Procedures and Routines When a school announcement is made Walking in the halls during class time Emergency Drills When visitors are in the classroom If I am out of the classroom If you suddenly get sick Book Reports
MANNERS: Important words to use in class “Good Morning” “Please” “May I” “Thank You” “You’re Welcome” “Excuse Me” “Mr.”
Coming to Attention When I raise my hand (or ring bell), you stop what you are doing, zip lips, and look at me. I will have something to say. I should not even have to say anything at all, just raise my hand.
Entering the room Please enter quietly Have a seat Take out your materials Begin work assignment Copy the homework assignment(s) in your agenda.
Exiting the room Make sure that your desk is cleared of any materials. Take all the materials that you will need to your next class. As I call your row, line up quietly and be sure to push in your chair. No one should ever talk while in the line Never walk shoulder to shoulder.
Entering and exiting the cafeteria You are to always enter the cafeteria quietly while walking. Dump when you are finished eating. Don’t Ask!! Clean-up your area before you dump your tray. DO NOT GET UP from your seat to line up until I tell you to do so. No Salad Bar unless I give permission
End of Day Class Dismissal I will call rows to go to lockers to gather belongings. Gather any homework or make-up work and put in in your back-pack Clean up the room and pick up all papers off of the floor. We stack chairs on Fridays only.
Our class is like a family!! We need to help each other when in need.
This will be an exciting class, and you are going to have the most memorable year you ever had. I look forward to being your teacher and watching you grow academically and as a person in our classroom.