Origins of Apartheid
What do you know already? Definition-assumptions on humankind: Humankind has various groups and they are different Differences are based on physical characteristics Differences allow for a natural hierarchy-some are superior to others The Whites-took it for granted that their “cultural achievements” put them above all Apartheid states the government acknowledges and controls this superiority
So how did all of that start? (a historiography) Did it begin by the Afrikaners and religion? Calvinists believed God created differences and for them to be separate and thus Afrikans were exceptional to rule South Africa separate from Africans Or, was it a fiction generated by Afrikaner nationalists in 1930s? Afrikaners generated nationalistic pride around apartheid and Afrikaner exceptionalism. Or, was it by the British settling in South Africa by late 19th century and establishing segregation and the Afrikans simply learned it?
And so it began… 1853 Cape Colony Constitution-2 types of people: civilized and uncivilized—pass laws, regulate movement and could prevent ppl from leaving their jobs and finding work elsewhere. Curfew laws prevented Africans from entering White areas at night. 1890s Became more rigid, esp. with plague. Blacks-only townships established, far from city center. Also done in 2 Boer Republics. 1910-South Africa Party estab. (SAP) 1st PM of SA-Louis Botha, Jan Smuts—comprehensive racial segregation Act of Union 1910-voting rights only for White minority population Mine & Works Act 1911-semi-skilled positions for Whites only Native Lands Act 1913-prohibited 2/3 of pop (Africans) from owning or renting land outside certain lands, designated as native reserves (7.5% land) Africans could live outside of it is employed by Whites!
More segregation… Native Areas Act 1923-cities only for use by Whites, Africans had to carry passes—arrested or expelled to reserves Industrial Conciliation Act 1924-Whites only allowed to join unions New Party-National Party (NP)-1924 by JBM Hertzog—more comprehensive than before! Wage Act 1925-Whites granted preference in hiring Another Mines & Works Act 1926-really not possible for non-Whites to get jobs By 1934, the SAP and NP joined together=United Party (UP) along with Purified National Party (GNP)
And more! Representation of Natives Act 1936-no Africans could vote in the Cape Native Trust and Land Act 1936-extended the area of reserves to 13% of land but enhanced power to evict Africans trying to live in White areas only (13% never actually achieved) Native Laws Amendment Act 1937- stricter enforcement and regulation of pass laws New Party-Afrikaner Broederbond (extreme nationalists) wanted even more segregation!
WW2 Impact: The NP supported the Allies, Afrikaners supported Nazis which led to undermining of SA gov How Africans fought back: unions still formed athough illegal, African Mine Workers’ Union (AMWU) went on strike (100000); police killed 9 workers, but did bring up Fagan Commission African urbanization irreversible so gov. should partially “normalize” status of Africans in cities=relax pass laws 1948 election-NP vs UP. NP wanted to preserve White identity and further complete racial separation; NP wins. NP establishes “officially” apartheid in 1948 with DF Malan as PM