International recognitions and programs
International Scouter’s Award Applicants must be currently registered adult Scouters of the Boy Scouts of America. All applicants must receive the approval of their local council's international committee chairperson or international representative and their council Scout executive. Requirement Categories: Giving leadership to International Scouting Giving leadership to international events held in the United States Giving leadership to international events held in other countries Educating self and others Giving support to International Scouting
International Spirit Award Replaced the International Youth Exchange Emblem and the International Activity Badge Emblem is $4 and can be purchased from the International Department. Requirement Categories: Cub Scout –World Conservation Award, Language and Culture Belt Loop, JOTA/JOTI + 2 experience requirements Boy Scout/Varsity Scout/Venturer – World Conservation Award, Citizenship in the World MB or alternative for Venturing, JOTA/JOTI + 3 experience requirements Scouter – Learn and explain about WOSM, promote International Department newsletter items, JOTA/JOTI + 4 experience requirements Experience requirements: Host an International Scout, learn about another country and prepare a traditional dinner served there, WSJ or other International Scouting event, visit Scout in another country then share experience, organize WFF collection, earn Interpreter Strip, research and present Scouting in another country, contact IR and assist with two promotions, research how to obtain and passport and create fact sheet for your unit/district, research a region of WOSM and make a presentation at unit meeting or roundtable.
Jamboree-on-the-Air WHAT? JOTA is an annual Scouting amateur radio event sponsored by the World Scout Bureau of the World Organization of the Scout Movement WHEN? JOTA always falls on the third full weekend in October WHO? JOTA welcomes participation by Scouting and amateur radio enthusiasts of all ages including Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Brownies, Girl Scouts, former Scouts and Scouters, amateur radio operators, anyone interested in doing a Good Turn for Scouting and amateur radio HOW? Scouts and leaders should follow some of the following tips for help in preparing for participation in the JOTA program: • Contact a local amateur radio operator or club. • Put a notice in the local newspaper. • Run an article in the local council newsletter; almost every local council has a Scouter involved in amateur radio. • Contact the American Radio Relay League’s Field and Educational Activities Department toll free at 800-326-3942; or visit the ARRL Web site: • Visit the website to download leader and operator guidelines, fact sheets and participant certificates. Patches are ordered through Supply at
Jamboree-on-the-Internet WHAT? JOTI is an annual Scouting event sponsored by the World Scout Bureau of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. This event utilizes computers and the Internet. Thousands of Scout groups can be contacted during the weekend. WHEN? JOTI will always occur the same weekend as Jamboree-on-the-Air, which is the third full weekend in October WHO? JOTI welcomes participation by youth of all ages including Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturers, Brownies, Girl Scouts, former Scouts, anyone interested in doing a Good Turn for Scouting HOW? Before JOTI begins, make sure you visit and These sites can help you get ready for the JOTI weekend. After getting all the software ready and working, recheck these sites and register yourself as a participant right before the JOTI weekend. You can get a temporary e-mail address that will protect you from unwanted material after JOTI. Visit the website to download leader guidelines, fact sheets and participant certificates. Patches are ordered through Supply at
International Letter of Introduction The International Letter of Introduction is recognized by Member Organizations as the standard form of introduction of a Scout or leader when travelling abroad. The letter's sole purpose is to establish the identity of the bearer, and to entitle him or her to be welcomed as a member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. It conveys no special privileges, including any entitlement to hospitality. Contained in each International Letter of Introduction will be the address, phone number, and website (if available) of the national Scout association in the country the Scout/Scouter will visit. To obtain an official International Letter of Introduction, please fill out the application (obtained from the International Department or it’s website) and forward it through your local council service center to the International Department. Only one letter is required for a tour group; it is issued to the group leader. Please allow a minimum of three weeks for local and national processing.