4.2 CLIMATE SERVICES, ACTION AND RESILIENCE Reference Agenda item 4.2(2) on GFCS and WMO contributions Maxx Dilley World Meteorological Organisation Geneva, Switzerland
4.2(2)/1 draft decision, annex EC-68 Decision 16: Results based framework and mechanism for WMO contributions to the GFCS Results-based framework goals: (a) Climate services initiated or strengthened in selected countries at a scale and scope sufficient to significantly improve climate-related outcomes in priority climate-sensitive sectors (b) Demonstration of enabling and facilitation mechanisms […] for sustaining GFCS implementation on a wide scale
4.2(2)/1 draft decision, annex EC-68 Decision 16: Results based framework and mechanism for WMO contributions to the GFCS Results-based framework objectives: (a) Country level – Institutional, technical, financial and human resources mobilized for climate services planning, implementation and results monitoring targeting climate-sensitive national priorities; (b) Practice support – Human resources, tools, methodologies, guidelines and capacity development materials needed to support and quality assure country-level implementation available; (c) Institutional architecture – Institutional delivery systems in place and engaged at regional and global level for country-level implementation support and upscaling […]; (d) Policy support – [e.g. UNFCCC]; (e) Management – […].
4.2(2)/1 draft decision, annex EC-68 Decision 16: Results based framework and mechanism for WMO contributions to the GFCS Mechanism for WMO contributions to the GFCS: Regional associations – track progress, identify demand Regional association working groups and focal points on climate and the GFCS (Decision 5.2/2 and Resolution 5.2/3) Technical commissions – address areas identified WMO and GFCS Secretariats – support the process
Additional background on RA II climate financing USD 3 billion in climate change adaptation and climate resilience investment, in 68 current and planned projects, benefitting approximately 20 countries, from just three sources: Pilot Programme on Climate Resilience – USD 1.5B Green Climate Fund – USD 1.1B Global Environment Facility – USD .3B Asian Development Bank, World Bank and UNDP have largest allocations
Draft Decision 4.2(2)/1 Decides to implement the results-based framework and mechanism for WMO contributions to the GFCS in the region; Invites Members: (1) To pursue implementation at country level and report on results achieved and support needs, as appropriate, to an RA II subsidiary body in charge of climate services; (2) To actively seek extra-budgetary resources, where necessary, including through active collaboration with partner organization members of the GFCS Partners Advisory Committee;
Draft Decision 4.2(2)/1 Invites the [WMO centres and NMHSs] and other entities defined and designated under the Global Data-processing and Forecasting System to contribute GFCS-relevant data and products to support the implementation of climate services at country level Requests: (1) Technical commissions to develop relevant regulatory material and guidance to assist Members in the implementation of GFCS activities and contribute to the development and implementation of WMO and partner projects and programmes in response to identified needs; (2) The Secretary-General to facilitate implementation through support to the mechanism for WMO contributions to the GFCS, and through relevant WMO Programmes and activities, and to assist with mobilizing the necessary resources.
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