WORLD WAR 1 Highlights of the War.


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Presentation transcript:

WORLD WAR 1 Highlights of the War. Simulation

The War Begins for America Welcome to World War I The landscape of Europe is devastated by war After the sinking of the Lusitania, the release of the Zimmerman Note, and renewed usage of unrestricted submarine warfare by Germany, the United States broke its position of isolationism and join the Allied Powers against Germany With the announcement of renewed submarine warfare and Germany sinking American ships, President Woodrow Wilson asked Congress to declare war on April 4, 1917. What should MERICA do?????!!!!!

Scenario 1 All throughout the 1700s and 1800s, the U.S. always had a small Army. Now that the U.S. has entered WWI, the U.S. needed to quickly amass a military in order to effectively fight Germany and her allies. What should the U.S. do in order to increase the size of it military. A.) Do we politely ask for American volunteers Or B.) Do we require eligible men to sign up for military service

Selective Service Act (Scenario 1) When war breaks out, Congress will pass the Selective Service law that required millions of male Americans to register for the draft under certain condition

Scenario 2 Now that America has mustard a military of 2 million men, we are ready to fight the war or are we? Many of these soldiers have never fought in a war and have no experience in firing a gun. What should we do? A.) Do we attack and send all are men to Europe and attack the Germans with all our soldier Or B.) Do we train and equip our forces with new military strategies and new technological weapon

American Expeditionary Forces (scenario 2) John J Pershing was a great military tactician, he was given control over the American expeditionary Force(AEF), 1 million U.S. soldiers. General Pershing is going to insist that the American Soldiers be well- trained before being sent to the Western fronts of Europe and not immediately join French and English forces. The Expeditionary forces will include career army, National Guard, and new draftees and Volunteer 2 Million men and women, women mostly serving in the Red Cross, will make it to Europe and help win the war against Germany and its allies

Scenario 3 In any war, the people living in America always play an important role in the success and outcome of the war. The home front will play an important role for America as well during WWI What should America do at home? A.) Should America utilize the efforts of Americans that were not drafted Or B.) Should America ignore the help of Americans that are willing to help win the war

Winning along the Home front (Scenario 3) At home, America will raise taxes and sell war bond, which are small loans that people lend to the government. Convert private industry to make supplies for the war Women and Men will volunteer in the Red Cross as nurses or ambulance drives. The Railroads were temporarily placed under government control.

Scenario 4 Not everyone on the home front agreed with the War and, especially, the Selective Service Act (Military Draft). Some people even openly stated their dissatisfaction with the government’s handling of the war in public. What should the government do? A.) Should the government leave these people alone and allow them to practice the rights of free speech and persuade the American people to dislike the war Or B.) Should America create laws the limit free speech and lock up individuals that disagree

Espionage Act of 1917 and Schenck v U.S. (scenario 4) Because of the open criticism of U.S. entry into WWI, Congress will pass the Espionage Act of 1917, which will make it illegal and a crime to criticized or hindered the war effort and the government Charles Schenck, a known member of the socialist party, was arrested for handing out flyers that discouraged men to join the army. He will sue because of Government restricted his first amendment right. The supreme court will rule against him. Arguing that the First Amendment did not protect language that creates a “Clear and Present Danger.”

Scenario 5 While American soldiers are helping to win the war at Home, the AEF is successfully winning battles in Europe. Soon American forces will have to cross the Argonne region of northern France which is heavily fortified by German positions. What should the AEF do A.) Battle through the Argonne forest and risk high casualties Or B.) Avoid the battle and find a new route to Germany that may prolong the end of the war.

Battle of Argonne Forest (Scenario 5) The Battle for Argonne Forest was a major victory The AEF was able to successfully beat the Germans and advance to a strategic rail center. The battle cost 117,000 American lives or soldier wounded from the battle. Pershing will use 600,000 soldiers to fight this battle

Scenario 6 The battle for Argonne forest was not the only major battle were soldiers displayed acts of heroism. Many soldier throughout the war displayed great valor and courage. How can America recognize these brave soldiers? A.) Do nothing and continue to require them to fight Or B.) Give them the highest level of honor that any soldier can receive

Medal of Honor (Scenario 6) Receiving the Medal of Honor is the highest honor bestowed by the American Military and personally presented by the President of the United States Alan York will receive the Medal of Honor during the battle of The Battle Argonne, he killed 25 Germans and captured 135 prisoners with nothing more than a pistol and his rifle.

Scenario 1 Are you crazy!!!!! No one want to go fight a war and potentially get hurt or worse. Back

You soldier were not properly trained sorry you lost the war Scenario 2 You soldier were not properly trained sorry you lost the war Sorry your plan did not work; you lost the War!!!!!!! Back

Scenario 3 Because the whole population failed to assist in the war efforts we lost. Sorry your plan did not work; you lost the War!!!!!!! Back

You allowed them to persuade American to be anti war. Scenario 4 You allowed them to persuade American to be anti war. Sorry your plan did not work; you lost the War!!!!!!! Back

Scenario 5 Germany was able to adavence further into France because you decided to go around. Sorry your plan did not work; you lost the War!!!!!!! Back

Scenario 6 Many people no long feel inspired to fight Sorry your plan did not work; you lost the War!!!!!!! Back