Mind Stretcher 10-24-17 Chapter 20 1. What is the average temperature in November? 2. What is the average rainfall in June? 26.9 degrees Celsius 20 cm
Crash Course Kids: The Basics of Freshwater (4 min.) https://youtu.be/oaQCiwzjnCM
FRESHWATER and ESTUARY BIOMES Write: Rivers, Lakes & Streams above your title on your page!
FYI: Stream and River Ecosystems Chapter 20 FYI: Stream and River Ecosystems The water in brooks, streams, and rivers flows from melting snow, rain or a spring. Plants have a hard time growing in fast moving waters, animals rely on seeds and leaves that fall in the water.
Pond and Lake Ecosystems Chapter 20 Pond and Lake Ecosystems Life near Shore The Littoral Zone: contains most of the plant life and is home to small animals. Life Away from Shore – Open Water Zone: as far as sun reaches; home to bass, trout, larger fish; Algae grows as deep as sunlight reaches. Deep Water Zone: Beneath open water zone; No sun here; Catfish, carp, worms, bacteria
Chapter 20
Chapter 20 Wetland Ecosystems Wetlands - Found around lakes, low-lying areas, and estuaries; Soil contains a lot of moisture Marshes - grasses and small plants; muskrats, turtles, frogs, birds, etc. Around estuaries - called “Salt Marshes” Swamps - trees and vines; fishes, snakes, birds, etc. Around estuaries: Called “Mangrove Swamps”
Marsh Swamp
Marshes and Swamps are IMPORTANT!!! They filter water which removes pollutants and keeps them from entering drinking water, oceans, and freshwater. They provide shade & cover for habitat and breeding grounds. They are natural areas for run-off and can hold large amounts of water, which prevents flooding. (Hurricane Katrina)
Estuaries Provide Diversity Estuaries are the most diverse water habitat, often referred to as “ nature’s nursery”.
Where Waters Meet… Estuary- freshwater from rivers and saltwater from the ocean mix here. “Brackish” - water mixture that is not completely fresh or completely salty. This water mixture allows for many freshwater & saltwater species of animals and plants to survive: marsh grass, small plants, & algae, crabs, worms, clams, oysters, fish, turtles, & alligators
Let’s Review! a freshwater ecosystem an estuary an ocean a pond In which area are you most likely to find plants that can tolerate water that has constantly changing salt levels? a freshwater ecosystem an estuary an ocean a pond
Let’s Review! The biome pictured below is characterized by a low lying area covered with water. It contains trees and vegetation… swamp marsh savanna grassland
Let’s Review! rivers lakes estuary streams Which of the following is NOT considered a freshwater biome? rivers lakes estuary streams
Let’s Review! The biome pictured below is characterized by a low wet land that has many grasses and other plants, but no trees. This biome is a… swamp marsh savanna grassland https://www.amscope.com/camera-setup-mu
Marine Biomes
Mind Stretcher 1. What is the RANGE in temperature for this biome? (HINT: Use the line graph for temperature!)
OCEAN ADAPTATIONS – CAMOUFLAGE AND COLOR https://wpt.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/363b214a-6aa6-4943-a748-d369bfd61269/camouflage-and-color/#.WeibZbpFw2w
Marine Ecosystem: The Oceans
Did you Know? The OCEAN covers almost ¾ of the Earth’s surface and holds both the largest animals and the smallest organisms on earth?
Marine Ecosystem Characteristics Abiotic factors determine life in the ocean Temperature: As you get deeper, the temperature decreases Depth: Affects what organisms can live there Sunlight: How far the sun reaches affects life in ocean
Temperature Zones Surface Zone- warm top layer extending to 300 meters below sea level. Sun warms water & surface currents heat warm/cool waters Thermocline- 300 meters to 700 meters below sea level; here water temperature drops fastest with increasing depth Deep Zone- from base of thermocline to bottom of ocean Average Temperature= 2 Celsius
Intertidal Zone- “between tides” Ocean meets land; animals adapt the exposure of air and waves; snails, herons live here Neritic Zone- downward slope; warm water from sun; corals, sea turtles, fish, dolphins live here Oceanic Zone- sea floor drops sharply! Deep water of open ocean; plankton near surface, whales, shark, fish live here Benthic Zone- deepest, dark ocean; Very cold water/no sunlight reaches; Get food that is dropped or from thermal vents; crabs, worms, and animals adapted to darkness
Ocean Zones: Intertidal Zone:
Deep Depth Creatures…Yikes! http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-otherworldly-creatures-in-the-ocean-s-deepest-depths-lidia-lins#watch
Closing: Think Pair Share Give two examples of HOW abiotic factors affect life in the ocean.