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Chinese Philosophies China was once again unified under Qin Shi-Huangdi after the chaos that came from the fall of the Zhou family Centralized power in China and started different projects to make it better (The Great Wall of China) Qin Shi-huangdi tried to destroy opposition: teachers/historians that spoke against him and their works Three of these Philosophies survived: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism
Confucian Ideas about Government Confucianism - Ethical system of right and wrong Started by a teacher named Confucius – Kong Fuzi He Believed that everybody, poor/rich/noble/king, had duties to perform and certain ways to behave He journeyed through part of China spreading his teachings to different people, including princes who invited him to court It is believed he was born into poverty and spent years working his way through the Chinese bureaucracy – gave him time to think about the relationships between people
Confucius Urges Harmony Stressed developing good relationships (family, friends, etc.) Having good manners and being polite was how the ideal citizen was supposed to be – acting this way towards each other would bring harmony Harmony means there can be no conflict Promotes Filial piety— Respect for parents and ancestors Respect for the elderly is based on the idea that the elders are wiser/more experienced – more worthy Prestige was usually reserved for male family members/ancestors
Confucian Ideas About Government Confucius believed that that education can transform people An educated society = people make educated decisions This went against Qin’s idea that people should only abide by the will of the emperor, so many Confucian scholars were killed because of this Teachings become foundation for bureaucracy - trained civil service After Qin died, scholars rewrote Confucius’ teachings into a book – The Analects
Daoists Seek Harmony Daoism: Follow the natural order of life – Be free of desire Based on the teachings of Lao Tzu – Chinese philosopher/teacher Lao Tzu believed that All things need to be in balance with nature Conflict arises when things are not in balance A Universal force called Dao has things set in motion – if you follow the Dao (life/nature) to flow the way it should, then you will be happier/content in life Thought emerged during the chaos of later Zhou period – likely a response to disorganization Some similarity with following duties (Confucianism)
Daoists Seek Harmony Lao Tzu’s ideas about balance and harmony are compiled into a book – Dao De Jing Key Symbol is the Yin Yang” One side is the submissive nature of humans – the other is the more aggressive part of humanity (feminine and masculine) Balance with nature appeals to peasants who are connected to the land Confucianism – appeals to upper class who moves within bureaucracy Daoism – appeals to lower class
Legalists Urge Harsh Rule Chinese Philosopher Hanfeizi thinks humans can’t be trusted to do the right thing Humans are immoral, base creatures – will do what is in their best interest Those actions can bring chaos/disorder Legalism – Laws needed to keep order Obedience should be rewarded, disobedience punished Chinese people were encouraged to report on their family members if they were doing something suspicious/breaking the law Chinese government also has elements of this today – step out of line and there will be consequences (can be severe