Come and Decorate Your Life! Nature Hill Intermediate School At Our Artisan Vendor Event Sponsored by: GFWC-Oconomowoc Junior Woman’s Club All booth fees used for donations back to community. SATURDAY,DECEMBER 2nd 9:00-1:00 Nature Hill Intermediate School 850 North Lake Drive, Oconomowoc ( corner of Hwy 67N & west on Cty. Z) This is the place to find that “just right” item for yourself, home, family or friends. Over 30 booths: Lu La Roe Essentials Oils Norwex 31 Gifts Jamberry Nails Tastefully Simple Candles Skincare Usborne Books Paparazzi Keep Collective Handmade jewelry, unique crafts, home décor, kids clothing And many more…… Refreshments sold by Cross Lutheran Church Servant Journey