Precision era.


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Presentation transcript:

Precision era

‘Standard’ scenario: Parameters: Presently unknown: Three mixing angles: 23, 12, 13 CP phase:  Mass differences: m223, m212 Presently unknown: Sign of m223 – discovery Precision determination of 13 Search for non-zero  – discovery Basis of future precision- measurement programme

The case for PRECISION: Seek to over-constrain standard scenario: Establish standard scenario Show that it is insufficient Requires precision measurements: Quark mixing angles known to better than 1° Sets scale for desired neutrino mixing precision Additional motivation: Models connect quark and lepton mixings (Romanino) To test, require to match quark-mixing angle precision

Options: BNL-VLBL: Super-beams: Beta-beams Neutrino Factory Conventional, high-energy, wide-band beam Very long baseline: ~2500 km Super-beams: ‘Conventional’ off-axis beams from high-power source SPL  Frejus T2K II, T2K  Korea Super-NOA Beta-beams Beta decay: CERN & FNAL Electron capture – a new idea Neutrino Factory Emphasis on progress since NuFact04

Pyhasalmi, Finland and magic BL Around 7500 km for high-energy NF CP violating effect is small ‘Magic base line’ Pyhasalmi possible deep underground lab Peltonmiemi (OULU) ~MB to: CERN, KEK, FNAL

BNL-VLBL Viren (BNL) Upgraded AGS at 28 GeV Assume UNO: 500 kTon Replace booster with 1.2 GeV SC linac Assume UNO: 500 kTon Running assumptions: : 1 MW, 5 yrs : 2 MW, 5 yrs Performance updated: Example only 

BNL-VLBL: performance Viren (BNL)

BNL-VLBL: sensitivity Viren (BNL) ~210-3

Super-beams: SPL-Frejus Campagne (LAL-Orsay) TRE CERN SPL LSM-Fréjus Near detector 130km New optimisation: 4 MW; Energy: 2.2, 3.5 GeV Particle production 440 kTon Horn/target Decay tunnel

SPL-Frejus: fluxes Campagne (LAL-Orsay)

SPL-Frejus: performance Campagne CP discovery @ 3s 2yrs (+) 8yrs (-) preliminary Old Opti. New Opti. 2yrs (+) 8yrs (-) 310-4 T2K10, 5 yrs

Super-NOA FNAL programme in various plenary talks Winter (IAS Princeton) FNAL programme in various plenary talks So focus on a subset of sensitivity plots PD study report: 810 km

Supa-NOA: opportunity Winter NOA Supa-NOA window

Supa-NOA: sensitivity Winter

Beta-beam: Concept: (see Lindroos, Volpe plenary talks) Store 18Ne, 6He to produce pure e and e beams Development of #1: Lindroos (CERN)

Beta-beam: trend curves Lindroos Sensitivity depends on  Version 2 Design goal Input to optimisation 

Beta-beam at FNAL Winter (IAS Princeton)

Beta-beam: analysis Scenario: CERN  Frejus (=100:100) Mezzetto (Padova) Scenario: CERN  Frejus (=100:100) Improvements in simulation and analysis: Muon identification: Muon electron separation using SK inspired likelihood Apply tighter cut than SK to insure low background Require to observe e- or e+ from muon decay Result: electron contamination at 10-5 level Energy smearing: Apply Fermi motion smearing, unfold using matrix Other backgrounds: Neutral-current pions: Tight cuts described – strong suppression Atmospheric neutrinos: Duty factor: assume 10 ns bunches

Beta-beam: sensitivity Mezzetto 210-4 110-4

Beta-beam: sensitivity Mezzetto Dialogue: Physics/Machine Options to improve performance EURISOL/BENE

Beta-beam: optimisation Couce (Valencia) Beta-beam: optimisation Reference Setups Setup 0 Setup I Setup II Setup III Original Frejus Optimal Frejus Optimal SPS Optimal β-beam =60/100 L=130 km  = 120 L=130 km  = 150 L=300 km  = 350 L=730 km

Beta-beam: optimisation Couce (Valencia) Beta-beam: optimisation Analysis: 10 year exposure, 440 kTon water Cherenkov Use energy dependence Cuts: background rejection End point of energy spectrum Minimum energy deposit Event must ‘point’ at source Systematic errors: Fiducial mass 5% Cross sections 1% Reconstructed energy ‘migration’: Matrix unfolding technique employed

Beta-beam: optimisation Couce (Valencia) Beta-beam: optimisation

Electron-capture beta-beam Concept: J. Burguet-Castell (Valencia) J. Sato (TUM) N + e- N´ +  … two body decay Most favourable isotope? 150Dy: half-life = 7.2 mins; E = 1.4 MeV; BR ~100% Energy spectrum: Removes migrations between energy bins Powerful in combination with beta-beam

Electron-capture beta-beam

Neutrino Factory sensitivity Huber (Wisconsin)

Neutrino Factory sensitivity Huber

Comparison: Huber

Discussion: evolution of sin2213 Mezzetto

Discussion: evolution of sin2213 Many options Even more ‘routes’ to high-precision and high-sensitivity

Discussion: desirable timescale Super-beam Neutrino Factory Beta-beam Concept development (design studies) leading to consensus programme Build Next generation facility Era of precision and sensitivity

Goals for NuFact06 Significant progress on phenomenology (& tools): Nuance, GLoBES – enable like-for-like comparisons Significant progress in definition of facilities Super-beam, beta-beam and Neutrino Factory Need to bring out detector R&D activity Need to raise profile of detector-specific R&D @ NF Perhaps deserves dedicated parallel session? Discussion: development of next generation facility: In context of scoping study Critical, like-for-like, comparison of facilities. Including consideration of staged build of source/detector. Development of detector options Crucial to develop R&D plan