EUPAN eGovernment Working Group Tim Schröder Federal Ministry of the Interior Section IT 1 Information Society and eGovernment 02.12.2018
Key events during German Presidency 1. March 2007 Advancing eGovernment 2007 Conference with around 300 participants from all MS 10./11. May 2007 eGovernment Working group meeting 02.12.2018
Key issues during German Presidency EC-Services Directive eIdentity Management Open Document Exchange Formats National Strategies 02.12.2018
Key issues of eGovernment WG see above and Future role of eGovernment WG 02.12.2018
background Many different fora on european and international level are dealing with eGovernment issues 02.12.2018
(Signaturrichtlinie) EC Troika-Treffen InfoSoc bzw. E-Gov. Council DG DIGIT Francisco GARCIA MORAN DG ENTERPR Heinz Zourek DG INFOSO Fabio Colasanti RAT Verkehr, Tele- Kommukation und Energie Justiz und Inneres I2010 High Level Group ENISA Management Board Artikel 9 (Signaturrichtlinie) CSC (Council Security Committee) Dauervorsitz Ratssekretariat AStV II EU Steering Group IDabc Lenkungsgremium PEGSCO Prepatory RAG Rechtsinformatik Dauervorsitz: RAG Energie Tele- kommunikation RAG Verkehr INFOSEC AG CSC (I) OECD ICCP OECD WPIIS OECD WPISP OECD WPIE Task Force on Spam (derzeit nicht aktuell eGovernment Experts Network IDAbc technical Working group eAccessibility ICT and Aging IDAbc eSignature Experts Group EPAN EPAN GD Common Criteria Management Committee A beobachtendes Mitglied (berichtet an die MS) elD expert group E-Government Subgroup Ad-hoc Security eContent eHelath eInclusion Inclusive Ad-hoc group eParticipation (eDemocracy) High impact Services expert group Efficiency & Effectiveness eDoc adhoc group eProcurement Sustainability Advisory Group IPM IDAbcs Testa IDAbc Evaluation IDAbc eLIink eObservatory Open Source IDAbc Your Europe IDAbc Security Expert Group interoperability Unit IDA Prog. Karel DE VRIENDT ICA 02.12.2018
background Ressources are limited Exchange of experiences is limited to the respective working group. Little exchange of experiences between the working groups Expertise of eGovernment WG could be better used also in IPSG and HRWG 02.12.2018
Conclusions ICT has become a driving force for modernization and innovation in public services as well as for the reduction of administrative burdens for businesses and citizens. An optimal use of ICT requires administrations with an innovative climate, skilled personnel and good leadership. The expertise the eGovernment Working group has gained should be more intensively integrated in the work of the whole European Public Administration Network. 02.12.2018
Conclusions eGovernment WG is asking DG´s to discuss methods to better integrate the expertise of the eGovernment WG in the Work of the whole network 02.12.2018
eGovernment Working group Thank You! 02.12.2018