Presentation Week & Blogging Friday April 6-10
Presentation of your Project #3– Monday & Tuesday Presentation of your Project #3– Using social media to create, study, adapt and analyze the effectiveness of your positive education message.
Locate project #3 materials Sign-up on the board to present today We finish tomorrow Volunteers first- if I call for you and you aren’t ready you take a late hit on the grade Sorry, folks! You’ve had a month! Show your presentation and turn in your journal to the tray
Presentation of your Project #4– Crash project follow-up: Wednesday Presentation of your Project #4– Crash project follow-up: Choosing a character and a method of communication with a designated audience, step into the shoes of that character to demonstrate understanding and empathy for their point of view.
Locate project #4 materials We will start and finish will any raps [sign-up on board] “Speed RAFTING”: Share with the person across from you– 3 minutes Locate project #4 materials Share your RAFT and turn it in to the tray before you leave
thursday TBD
Thursday, April 9th TBD
Meet me in the _____ lab for blogging assignment #2 friday Meet me in the _____ lab for blogging assignment #2
See Linked Document on my JMHS Website Friday, April 10th Blogging #2- See Linked Document on my JMHS Website