Reserve Affiliation
Talking Points Purpose Standard Resources
Purpose Inform members of Reserve Affiliation Options and Obligations
Standard All Enlistees must serve a total of eight years. Any part of the service not served on Active Duty (AD) must be served in a reserve component You can satisfy your obligation by becoming a member of the Reserve in one of the following categories: Selective Reserves (SELRES) Individual Ready Reserves (IRR)
SELRES Voluntary Affiliate Via CWAY (Preferred method) Walking into the Navy Operational Support Centers (NOSC) Can be recalled to Active Duty In time of a War or national emergency Recalled involuntarily recalled up to 270 days without a national emergency Obligations One weekend a month and two weeks of annual training per year
Benefits of SELRES Affiliation 2yr Involuntary Mobilization TAMP Medical Benefits Financial Incentives Reserve Retirement Life Long Term Care Insurance Post 911/GI Bill Transferability Education Reduced Medical Screening Reserve Oath of Office Management
IRR Members who do not affiliate with SELRES will be assigned to the IRR Consist of Who previously served active duty Who come from SELRES previously and have military service obligation remaining May be recalled upon declaration of a national emergency May participate in voluntary temporary tours of active duty
Resources Explore the reserve options in the geographic area where you will reside U.S Navy Reserve: NPC: selres