The Korean War June 25, 1950 - July 27, 1953
After WW2 the Allies divided Korea between them. The Republic of Korea (South Korea) Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea)
They were divided at the 38th Parallel North Korea
On August 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea (R. O. K. ) was established On August 15, 1948, the Republic of Korea (R.O.K.) was established. Syngman Rhee became the republic's first president. On September 9, 1948, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (D.P.R.K.) was established in the north under Kim Il Sung.
Syngman Rhee
Kim Il Sung
Guerrilla fighting in the south and clashes between southern and northern forces along the 38th parallel intensified during 1948-50.
North Korea became communist Supported by communist China and Russia Was given massive amounts of weapons and support to invade S. Korea North Korea, having obtained a massive amount of weapons from the Soviet Union and the Chinese Communist Party, prepared to invade the South to establish communism in the entire peninsula.
By mid-1950 North Korean forces numbered between 150,000 and 200,000 troops, with 210 fighter planes and 280 tanks.
South Korea had less than 100,000 men--an army with no tanks, heavy artillery, or combat airplanes
In the predawn hours of Sunday, June 25, 1950, the North Korean forces, spearheaded by tanks and self-propelled guns, unleashed all-out attacks across the 38th parallel.
The North Koreans quickly crushed South Korean defenses at the 38th parallel. South Korea's army was simply overwhelmed. The capital of Seoul fell in three days.
The suburbs of Seoul, destroyed by artillery and air strikes The suburbs of Seoul, destroyed by artillery and air strikes. Photo taken 08/20/1951.
By early August, South Korean forces were confined in the southeastern corner of the peninsula. Fifty miles short of the sea, a defensive perimeter (labeled the "Pusan Perimeter") was formed. The rest of the territory was in the hands of the North Korean army.
The US and United Nations came to S The US and United Nations came to S. Korea’s aid with troops, weapons, and money. WHY????
The course of the war changed abruptly, and within weeks much of North Korea was taken by United States and South Korean forces.
China and the Soviet Union could not risk N China and the Soviet Union could not risk N. Korea’s defeat so they sent troops of their own.
Many thought the US should use another Atomic Bomb to win the Korean War. President Truman refused and even fired General MacArthur for publicly supporting using an atomic bomb in Korea. In your opinion is dropping an atomic bomb worth saving all those American lives? MacArthur had Truman’s consent to take over all of North Korea. However, the President did not agree to his suggestions of bombing China, including use of the atomic bomb. After MacArthur publicly advocated widening the war, Truman fired him.
July 27, 1953- Armistice Signed “a truce” “agreement to stop fighting” Neither side was declared a victor, instead both sides agreed to their pre-war boundaries of the 38th Parallel. The war lasted three years and one month and devastated almost the entire Korean Peninsula.
The War lasted 3 years and one month and devastated the peninsula Casualties on both sides were enormous.
July 27, 1953: Peace Treaty signed at Panmunjom 38th parallel reset as boundary between communist North and anti-communist South. Cold War tensions continue unabated. Gen. Mark W. Clark says he has "the unenviable distinction of being the first US Army commander to sign an armistice without victory."
Life in North Korea (Tourists Perspective) Video Reading:
Videos Worth the Risk Heaven on Earth Brainwashed Why do North Korean’s risk crossing the border? Heaven on Earth What motivates North Korean’s to cross the border? Brainwashed What does the North Korean education system teach it’s young people?
Activity Escape Routes Flight to Freedom Using the chromebooks, click on the link below and read about each escape route for North Korean’s What role does each location play in a defectors escape. Flight to Freedom What might Gum Hee’s fate had been if her true identity had been discovered by the Chinese immigration authorities? Could you ever imagine taking a risk like this? What does this say about life in North Korea and how communism is working?