(Insert Name of Paper) 1st APSSI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Asosiasi Program Studi Sosiologi Indonesia Sociology Department Universitas Airlangga 1st APSSI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (SURABAYA, 12 SEPTEMBER 2017) DEMOCRACY AND SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION: LOCAL – GLOBAL TENSIONS, CONTESTATION & COLLABORATION (Insert Name of Paper) (Name of Speaker) (Affiliation) (Email Address)
Instructions to Presenters Indonesian Sociology Study Program Association Sociology Department Universitas Airlangga Instructions to Presenters Please limit the number of slides to a maximum of 15 (approximately 1 slide per minute) As a general guide, please only post key points and minimize text
Indonesian Sociology Study Program Association Sociology Department Universitas Airlangga Please Note: Please submit your PPT to the conference organizers via email (apssi.conference.2017@gmail.com) by September 4 2017 to ensure it being uploaded in a timely way Conference helpers will upload presentations for each day
Indonesian Sociology Study Program Association Sociology Department Universitas Airlangga