The Protestant Reformation Section 1-3 The Protestant Reformation
The Protestant Reformation Started by Martin Luther Led to the split in Christianity Led to the creation of all other Christian dominations (Baptists, Methodist, Calvinists etc…)
Social and Political Causes Due to the ideas set forth by reform minded people, many began to expect higher standards for church leaders Because of the printing press more people were able to read material for themselves and form their own opinions about religion Political Powerful monarchs challenged the church for power The Pope was viewed by many rulers as a foreign ruler
Economic and Religious Causes Many monarchs were jealous of the Church’s wealth People didn’t like paying taxes to the church Religious Many church leaders had become corrupt Many people disliked corrupt church practices (selling of indulgences)
Martin Luther Challenges the Church Luther disliked many of the corrupt acts that happened in the Church He posted the 95 Theses which criticized the church following things like the selling of indulgences to occur His actions began the Reformation or movement for religious reform
Luther’s teachings All you need is faith All church teachings should be based on the Bible not church traditions of the Pope All people of faith were equal (you don’t need a priest to interpret the Bible for you) Those who followed Luther became known as Lutherans
The Church’s Response Pope Leo X threatened to excommunicate Luther if he didn’t rescind his comments Holy Roman Emperor Charles V issued the Edict of Worms after Luther refused to rescind his statements This declaration forbade anyone from giving any support to Luther (food, shelter or help)
Problems in Germany Some German Princes used the turmoil caused by Luther as a chance to snatch power from Charles V Eventually the matter was settled by the Peace of Augsburg which stated that each German Prince chooses his subjects’ religion
England becomes Protestant Henry VIII wanted a male heir and his wife Catherine of Aragon couldn’t provide one. The Pope wouldn’t annul or set aside his marriage so he broke away from the Church and created a Church of England.
Edward VI (1537-1553) Was the son of Jane Seymour and crowned king at 9 years old He was influenced heavily by his Protestant advisors and oversaw the establishment of Protestantism in England in a more official capacity than his father did. At the age of 15, Edward became terminally ill and unsuccessfully attempted to keep his sister, Mary from taking the throne.
Mary I Became Queen in 1553 after Edward’s death and because of her brutal approach towards returning England to Catholicism was given the nickname “Bloody Mary” During the Marian Persecutions Mary ordered that 280 protestant dissidents be burned at the stake. She died in 1558 at the age of 42
Elizabeth I Was the daughter of Anne Boleyn and was Queen from1558 until her death in 1603. She was imprisoned by her Mary for a year on suspicion of helping the Protestant cause. Elizabeth brought back the Anglican Church and made it the official church of England. Her 44 year reign brought stability to England after a time period of upheaval and turmoil caused in part by her half siblings.
The End