List all the Biotic and Abiotic Factors you can find in the picture.
Species within a community develop close interactions, known as symbiosis. Symbiotic Relationships will always benefit at least one organism involved.
5 Major Types of Symbiotic Relationships
One organism consuming another for food. Predation One organism consuming another for food.
One organism is harmed and the other is helped. Parasitism One organism is harmed and the other is helped. Feeds on a host. - Does not result in immediate death of host.
Commensalism One organisms benefits, the other organisms is neither harmed nor helped.
Both Organisms are helped or benefited in some way. Mutualism Both Organisms are helped or benefited in some way.
Competition The use of the same limited resource by two or species in the same place at the same time. Limited Resources for survival include water, food, space, light or nutrients.
Is water an Abiotic Factor or a Biotic Factor? Tell me why.