Nationalism and the Pursuit of National Interests
Chapter Inquiry Questions: What is the relationship between nationalism and the pursuit of national interests? In what ways do nations and nation-states pursue national interests? How nations pursue national interests Next chapter pertains to the motivations for the pursuit of national interest and effects on shaping foreign policy
Exploring National Interests What is the relationships between nationalism and the pursuit of national interests?
Nationalism and the Pursuit of National Interests National interest is influenced by a nation’s understanding of nationalism and what is necessary for it to maintain its existence as a nation Who decides what the interests of a nation and how to act upon them? Does everyone have to agree? Differentiate between Internationalist and Nationalist
Changing Views on National Interest Just as people’s understanding for nationalism may differ, their opinions on what is in the national interest may also differ. National interest is not static or unchanging. Events within a country can change people’s opinion about what is in the national interest. For example, what was the national interest for the wildfires that hit Fort McMurray; it was Canada’s worst natural disaster or the floods in 2013?
Why do Nations Pursue National Interests? A nation’s survival and security A nation’s economic growth and power The maintenance of the quality of life for the people in the nation People often decide what is in the national interest based on the understanding on nation and national identity. For example, many Canadians take pride in Canada’s reputation as a nation of peacekeepers. Their course of action may depend on whether or not it promotes peace in the world. Another example is China. The Chinese government believes that a strong military is essential. “China’s military might is meant to safeguard its own security and stability. It is meant to deter the hostile elements of Cold War mentality who attempt to threaten China’s national interest with force.”
Strategies for Pursuing National Interests In what ways do nations and nation-states pursue national interests?
Approaches to the Pursuit of National Interest Safeguarding the environment Pursuing humanitarianism Immigration policies Economic development and solving labour needs National security: safety from internal and external threats Free trade Expanding land base and access to resources Not all are in harmony with the others