Warm Up # 15 What conclusions can you draw from this table, what should the world have done in response?
The Path to War Notes Workbook pg. 9
The Politics of Hunger 1. In early March 1919, General Herbert Plumer, commander of the British Army of Occupation, informed Prime Minister Lloyd George that his men were begging to be sent home; they could no longer stand the sight of "hordes of skinny and bloated children pawing over the offal" from the British camps. 2. A German child who was ten years old in 1918, and who survived, was twenty- two in 1930. Vincent raises the question of whether the miseries and suffering from hunger in the early, formative years help account to some degree for the enthusiasm of German youth for Nazism later on.
Workbook Pg. 14 Class Docs Pg. 42 Appeasement Workbook Pg. 14 Class Docs Pg. 42
Document A 1) (Sourcing) When and where did this speech take place? What was Chamberlain’s goal for the Munich Agreement? 2) (Context) Why might people in England in 1938 have supported appeasement? 3) (Close reading) What did Chamberlain claim England should do while pursuing the policy of appeasement?
Document B Step 1: Read Questions Step 2: Read with group Switch each paragraph Look up words you don’t know Step 3: Answer questions as you go
Warm Up # 16 Please summarize the thoughts and Ideas of Neville Chamberlin (Document A) and Winston Churchill (Document B) on appeasement.
Document C Step 1: Read Questions Step 2: Read with group Switch each paragraph Look up words you don’t know Step 3: Answer questions as you go Fuehrer – Title of Hitler
Documents D and E Step 1: Read Questions Step 2: Read with group Switch each paragraph Look up words you don’t know Step 3: Answer questions as you go
Appeasement thesis statement Pg. 16 or 11
Appeasement Thesis Statement Step 1: State your opinion Don’t say “I believe” Step 2: What are your reasons Broad enough to expand into an entire paragraph Summarized Step 3: Counterclaim Best argument against your position Step 4: Put it all together
The Course of the War Notes Workbook pg. 17
Nazi Aggression 1936: GER sends troops into the Rhineland. 1938: GER annexes Austria World responds with policy of appeasement Making concessions to an aggressor in order to keep peace. Other nations have no money or desire to enter conflict Gave GER part of Czechoslovakia where many Germans lived. Hitler takes the rest 6 months later.
Munich Conference 1938 – Hitler promised to settle future disputes with negotiations and not take any more land by force.
Germany Builds Allies 1939 – GER and Soviet Union sign non- aggression treaty. Would not attack each other GER wants to gain Poland, now eliminates threat from other side
Axis Expansion (Stop at 2:56)
League of Nations League of Nations exists to keep peace among countries. Has no real power No money No military No U.S.
Crash Course WWII
Crash course WWII: A War for Resources