Jim Fries Jim Fries went to the Catholic high school in Erie, PA. I went to the Memorial Technical high school also in Erie. He was an excellent football runner and was on the same team as my cousin Mike McCoy. Jim broke his knee at the end of his senior football. I broke my knee really early before I even truly made the team. We both graduated in 1965 and we were still 17. We went to join the Marines but because we were 17 we needed our parents to sign. They refused to let us join because of the issues with Vietnam. We decided we would both have to wait until October when we would be 18. So in June, Jim and I hitchhiked from Erie all the way to California. We had a great travel and went to a lot of states. Amarillo Texas in June or early July was actually very cold. We met a great man in Las Vegas and he drove us to Los Angeles California. He was impressed with our physical strength and told us we could have a job working for him if we wanted to. He actually paid for a week in a hotel on the edge of the Pacific ocean.
Jim Fries Jim and I stayed there in California for the week. I really liked it there and wanted to contact that man and get the job. Jim told me he did not want to stay in California because he missed his girl friend and wanted to go back to Erie. I said okay and we both went back to Erie that summer. When we were back I found a job with a phone company repair system. We also found out that Vietnam really was a war. One of my high school best friends who was on the swimming teams with me got killed in Vietnam. After Jim and I turned 18 in October we both did not want to join the army. The army reviewed a lot of us for our draft rating back then. Fortunately they gave me a 4F which meant that I could not get drafted. Unfortunately Jim did not get a 4F and he did get drafted and was sent to Vietnam. From that time on we did not get to meat each other very much for many many years.
Jim Fries lives in Evans Georgia barely north west of Augusta Georgia. Picture is in Isle of Capri.
Jim Fries children - grandchildren Dave Grack -> Married to Amy Abby Grack Isabella Grack Jims son Eric Fries Erics wife Ashley Jims daughter Amy with Emily. She also has Vincent no picture yet Erics son Hayden
Jim Fries I will be getting some more pictures and add them to this system. I do remember one of his apartments, a long time ago in Erie. I may have a picture of that. I also may have the one bowling game we had with him.