Tania Hadlow, Ella Rosso, Rachael Andrews English Language Centre Developing a new ELICOS curriculum “Trust and engagement” Tania Hadlow, Ella Rosso, Rachael Andrews English Language Centre
Contents Rationale Best practice in curriculum design Project background Process Challenges Where to from here? Q&A
Rationale Why change? Teachers’ wish lists – less assessment, more teaching, improved student experience, increased relevant learning
Your turn: Curriculum development best practice What are the steps to developing a new curriculum?
Reality versus theory!
Project background The trigger Timeframe Team Resources
Process Week one Gather information (ELICOS standards, other curriculums) Quick draft Week two Receive feedback from English Language Centre teachers Re-draft Week three Seek manager’s approval Present to Program Reference Group Week four Send to CIT Curriculum Development unit for approval Submit to regulator
The new curriculum Elementary to Advanced English courses in written and spoken English - 10 week duration New Grammar course New IELTS prep course to IELTS 7.0 Mapped to IELTS/PTE/CEF
Challenges Timeframe Student consultation Formal needs analysis Consultation with other areas of CIT Consultation with other ELICOS providers Mixed messages Corporate knowledge Trust
Opportunities Giving teachers more control Better teacher experience Better student experience More teaching and less assessing New assessments Update/refresh/consolidate/evaluate
Current situation SUCCESS!!! Approved by ASQA Presented to teachers Start date: 1 July 2018 Teach-out period New marketing Updated stakeholders
Where to from here? Create and map new assessment tasks Develop assessment manual Assess and expand resource bank Train teachers and administrative staff Make relevant system changes
Our take-away message Stakeholder engagement is crucial Trust is essential