Welcome to Back to School Night! Mrs. Flanagan September 5, 2018
Agenda About Mrs. Flanagan Homework Goals Grading Curriculum Daily Schedule Specials Communication Dismissal Changes Homework Grading Management Extras Conferences Questions
About Mrs. Flanagan Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Early Childhood, Kutztown University Master’s Degree in Elementary Education, Wilkes University 19th year at Gayman, 2nd, 4th ,and 3rd grades Cold Spring Elementary, 3rd grade School District of Philadelphia, K-5 2 daughters
Goals Safe, happy, respectful people Confident, reflective, life-long learners Responsible and organized Build classroom community Work together to achieve these
Curriculum Mathematics Reading Language Arts Social Studies Science Whole Group Reading, Guided Reading, Independent Reading, Inquiry Project Language Arts Writing, Grammar, Spelling, Cursive Handwriting Mathematics Everyday Mathematics, cyclical www.everydaymathonline.com, www.xtramath.org Social Studies Communities, Geography, Economics, https://www.teachtci.com/ Science Life Cycles, Solar System, Motion (CB Third Grade Assessment)
Daily Schedule Morning Routine/Meeting Math Snack Reading Spelling/Handwriting Recess (11:50 – 12:20) Lunch (12:20 to 12:50) Read Aloud Specials Writing Science/Social Studies Pack Up/Dismissal
Specials Monday Music, Mrs. Volpe Tuesday Library, Mrs. Thomas Wednesday Phys. Ed., Mr. Foster Thursday Quest, Mr. Shaw Friday Art, Mrs. DiCicco
Communication Seesaw App Thursday Folders Email Updates Contact me: Call Gayman (267) 893 – 4350, x 1430 Write a note E-mail me: gflanagan@cbsd.org
Dismissal Changes Send a note in the morning with your child Call the office, 267-893-4350, before 2:30 Early pick up by 2:45 with ID, or wait for car riders If going with another friend, please be sure a note is sent by both families
Homework Assignment books Homework folders Signed and checked each day, also check my website Homework folders 30 minutes per night, reading and Xtra math Establish a routine Missing Assignments Slips Must be signed and returned 4 is the magic number Absences
Grading Online Standards-based reporting system 3 Trimesters this year, 3 report cards: December 11, March 25, June 14 Success Standards: 3 (consistently), 2 (often), 1 (rarely) Learning Standards: Reading, Writing, Math: + (exceeding), M (meeting), / (approaching), - (limited progress) Assessments math unit packets, LEAD 21 unit assessments, oral reading, reading responses, weekly spelling tests, graded writing pieces, science/social studies unit tests Study guides provided, in-class reviews All major assessments to be signed
Management Positive Class Rules Kindness emphasis Kindness cards, Mustang Motivators Class Marble Jar Note or phone call home Behavior Communication Form, logical consequences Conference with parents
Extras Picture Day: October 1 Roxy Reading Dog – please fill out permission online Snacks –no peanut/tree-nut Star student – check the schedule Book Orders – monthly or so, checks or online Physicals/Dentals - 3rd grade dental forms due by Oct. 15!!!!! Picture Day: October 1 Concert: November 28 at 9:00 AM Start saving recyclables for Junk Bugs, in October Be sure you have state clearances for volunteering/chaperoning
Conferences December 13 - 14 (early dismissal days) March 28 - 29 (early dismissal days) Students are encouraged to attend conferences
Questions? Feel free to leave questions for me in the basket on the way out. Thank you for joining me at Back to School Night!