Narrative and lyric poetry: Thee, thy, thou Week 2, class 2
narrative narrative poem tells a story. Test before revealing
lyric lyric may contain a story, but the poem is less about the plot and more about the poet's feelings. Lyric poems in which there is a distinct narrative (story) often show changes in tense: "Once I did this but now I can no longer do it, and in the future I will never do it again." Test before revealing
Lyrical ballad lyrical ballad , which is a poem that makes the characters' feelings more important than the plot. Test before revealing
meditation Poems that are primarily lyric mediations on a single subject are often phrased in the present tense alone: “The expense of the spirit in waste of shame/ is lust in action.” Test before revealing
Thee, thy, thou thou you When “you” is the subject of the sentence. Word Translation When to use thou you When “you” is the subject of the sentence. thee When “you” is the object of the sentence thy your Possessive form of “you.” Used before a word that begins with a consonant thine Possessive form of “you.” Used before a word that begins with a vowel. Practice with chart on board
The garden by andrew marvell Translate all thees, thous, thys, and things Rhyme Decide on person 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Discover tense Narrative, lyric, lyrical ballad, or meditation? Symbol and allegory
Ode to a nightingale by john keats Translate all thees, thous, thys, and things Rhyme Decide on person 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Discover tense Narrative, lyric, lyrical ballad, or meditation? Symbol and allegory