Community & Technical Colleges of Washington 2011 Fall Counselor Workshops Washington Council for High School-College Relations
One system. 34 colleges. Unlimited possibilities. 29 community colleges5 technical colleges
In Washington State: 33% enroll in community or technical college 29% attend in-state universities 8% go to out-of-state colleges 5% community or technical college after one or two years 5% first attend a university and then transfer back to a two-year college within a year or two of high school graduation. 38% of all bachelors degree graduates transferred from a community or technical college After high school, what? Brings together 34 colleges in one site Drives users to campus websites More than 3,000 unique visitors each month. Most use career interest and college search. Search by career, college program, location, online-only option. Paying for college, financial aid calculator, scholarship links GED and high school completion Links to four-year and two-year colleges Used in NAV th grade career exploration unit
Resources for Counselors Add link to your schools resource website Check Out A College Brochure Free from local community or technical colleges For purchase through state printer Posters Classrooms, counseling office, career centers Postcards For students, parent night, anywhere
What does OPEN DOOR really mean? MYTH: Its okay if I do poorly in high school, because I can take any community or technical college class I want. Classes are easier. FACT: Open door simply means the colleges offer a variety of class levels and student support services to accommodate differing readiness levels. MYTH: I can enroll anytime. FACT: Many colleges closed admission two months before the fall quarter. Mid-year entry is likely, but few courses will be available to fit your schedule From basic literacy to advanced physics, the placement test determines which classes students are eligible to take.
College Ready? English4 years Mathematics * 3-4 years Social Studies3 years Science2-3 years Foreign Language2 years Fine, Visual, Performing Arts1-2 years * Not just for transfer students: allied health, engineering, STEM-related, apprenticeships
Degree Options Professional-Technical Training and skills to prepare for work –Associate of Applied Science (AAS) – six to eight quarters (two years) -- Applied Baccalaureates have increased transfer options for AAS holders. –Certificate of Completion – three to five quarters (nine months to a year) Some competitive or restricted admission: pilot, dental hygiene, radiology, nursing Not all designed to transfer
Degree Options College/University Transfer Prepare to transfer to four-year as a junior –Associate of Arts (AA) - Direct Transfer Agreement DTA –Associate of Science (AS) Specific prerequisites for major admission (e.g. engineering, business, nursing school)
Washington Transfer Stats 19,000 CTC students transferred to 4-year public institutions in Nearly 38 percent of public bachelors degree holders in all fields were CTC transfer students. For public bachelors graduates of 2006, CTC transfers were: –37% of Health graduates –50% of Education graduates –43% of Business graduates –32% of STEM graduates
Bachelors Degrees Close to Home Applied Baccalaureates Eight options at seven colleges University Centers & Partnerships Most community colleges partner with one or more four-year universities to offer bachelors degrees on campus. See resource packet or
Apprenticeships Combines classroom studies with on-the-job training supervised by a journey-level craft person or trade professional. Classroom studies are offered by a variety of providers, including employer-sponsored schools, union-sponsored schools, and CTCs. –Currently, more than 12,000 apprentices in Washington State. –192 approved apprenticeship programs available through CTCs –Offered based on community needs, working with Union Locals –18 years old and high school graduate to begin, in most cases –Some colleges have capped the number of apprentices they will take Resources:
Associate of Applied Science in Multi-Occupational Trades provides an AAS degree option for students in registered apprenticeship programs, which can lead to future transfer opportunities. Offered at: Bates, Centralia, Columbia Basin, Renton, South Seattle, Spokane, Wenatchee Valley Transfer for the Trades
academic year, estimated full-time resident Total Cost of Attendance Room, board, transportation and other living expenses vary per student. Living With ParentsAway Tuition$3,542 Books/Supplies$972 Rent/Food/Utilities$2,730$8,640 Transportation$1,344$1,176 Misc./Personal$1,674$2,040 Total $10,262$16,370
Financial Aid All Washington community and technical colleges move to uniform Financial Aid deadline March 15 (College Bound students, February 1) –Almost 50% receive financial aid –Significant cuts to State Work-Study –Increase in State Need Grant Funding –200%-300% increase in aid applications
Enrollments in : 12,689 FTES - 19,125 headcount In : Nearly 1,500 Running Start students completed an associate degree or certificate at the same time they graduated from high school. 2,400 Running Start students transferred directly to public baccalaureates in About 4,000 Running Start students continued to attend a community college after graduating from high school the prior spring. Around15,660 former RS students attended community and technical colleges in Running Start Running Start Students by College Credit-Load, Fall 2009
Running Start Legislature limited state funding for RS students for first time, as of June State will pay for combined total 1.2 FTE between the high school and the college. Student is charged tuition for additional credits if enrolled for more than 15 college credits of combined 1.2 FTE. RS students started paying mandatory fees other students pay (excluding tuition) in biennium, with waiver available for low-income. In , 16% received low-income fee waivers legislature authorized State Board to charge RS students up to 10% tuition, but Board declined to do so for
Student Government; Leadership, Legislative Training Student Programs and Events Student Rights, Advocacy, Lobbying Clubs Student Ambassadors Phi Theta Kappa – 2 year honor society Study Abroad, World Languages, International Business Recreational facilities: Athletic Fields, Gymnasiums, Wellness Centers Intramural, Competitive Sports Model United Nations Earth Day, Green Activism, Recycling Art Galleries, Theater, Music Performances Planetarium, Weather Station, Science Consortium Speech and Debate, Radio and TV Stations, Student Publications Service Learning, Volunteer and Mentorship Programming Student Life
Athletics Northwest Athletic Association of Community Colleges : governing sports organization for 35 Washington, Oregon, and British Columbia colleges. Cross-country, basketball, baseball, golf, softball, soccer, tennis, track & field, volleyball, wrestling Bellevue College Bulldogs Big Bend CC Vikings Centralia College Trailblazers Clark College Penguins Columbia Basin College Hawks Everett Community College Trojans Grays Harbor College Chokers Green River Community College Gators Highline Community College Thunderbirds Lower Columbia College Red Devils Olympic College Rangers Peninsula College Pirates Pierce College Raiders Seattle Community College Storm Shoreline Community College Dolphins Skagit Valley College Cardinals South Puget Sound CC Clippers Spokane Community College Sasquatch Tacoma Community College Titans Walla Walla Community College Warriors Wenatchee Valley College Knights Whatcom Community College Orcas Yakima Valley Community College Yaks
Campus Housing Apartments or dorms at –Big Bend CC, Moses Lake –Edmonds CC, Lynnwood –Green River CC, Auburn –Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon –Wenatchee Valley College –Yakima Valley CC Housing links
Your SBCTC Contacts Kayeri Akweks, Student Services Policy Associate (Running Start, Advising, Student Scott Copeland, Student Services Policy Associate (Financial Aid, Admissions/Registration, Disability Services, Sherry Nelson, Communications & Outreach (Publications,