Improving Healthcare Quality with Information Technology Scott Young, M.D. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality May 2004
FY ’04 Health IT Programs Current AHRQ initiatives: 3 Grant Solicitations Health IT Resource Center State and Regional HIT Demonstrations Indian Health Service EHR Collaboration CMS – AHRQ Collaboration
Transforming Healthcare Quality through Information Technology (THQIT) Grant Solicitations: Value $10M assess the value derived from the adoption, diffusion, and utilization of HIT Planning $7M assist healthcare systems and their partners in planning for activities that will lead to successful HIT implementation Implementation $24M support organizational and community-wide implementation and diffusion of HIT
THQIT – Current Status Grant applications received – April 22, 2004 Nearly 1,000 letters of intent received Applications from every State
Health IT Resource Center RFP recently announced Offer assistance grantees Types of assistance include Technical and expert Form collaboration Share lessons learned Future expansion (both reach and capabilities)
State and Regional HIT Demonstrations Five year initiative Offered via contract mechanism Applicant must be a State government or duly appointed by a State government Awards in late summer – up to five
Accelerate the Use and Adoption of Standards and Technology $10M Initiative – (AHRQ and ASPE) Areas of focus Voluntary industry clinical messaging/terminology standards National standard nomenclature for drugs/biologics Comprehensive clinical terminology and nomenclature standards Conduct research regarding activities to advance and accelerate the adoption of interoperable IT technology
Secretary Thompson March 21, 2003 In the modern era, every century has had its major advance that has brought medical science another giant step forward. …. What will the major advance of the 21st century be? I am convinced that the medical revolution of our children’s lifetimes will be the application of information technology to health care.
Future Directions Demonstrate the value of HIT to improve quality and safety in diverse clinical settings Build on previous investment – share implementation lessons and best practices from grantees Expanded collaboration with public and private partners
For additional questions, please contact: Dr. Scott Young,