Transnational Cooperation under the ESF 2014-2020
Background Article 10 of Draft ESF Regulation(Commission's proposal): Member states shall implement transnational cooperation through Common framework Flexible approach Combination of the above
Commission's proposal Experience from previous programming periods Input from Working Group formed by Learning Networks and working under auspices of the Ad-Hoc Group on Innovation and Transnational Cooperation of the ESF Committee
Common Framework Common Themes EU-level Platform Actors involved Tools to be developed Coordinated Calls for Proposals
Common Themes Linked to Europe 2020 thematic objectives Cover the four thematic objectives and all investment priorities Chose six to eight themes corresponding to the investment priorities most in demand Combine the above options
Common themes - Option II Access to employment for job seekers and inactive people, including local employment initiatives and labour mobility Sustainable integration of NEETS into the labour market Gender equality and reconciliation between work and private life LLL, skills/competences of workforce, labour market relevance of education and training systems Active inclusion Combating discrimination
EU-Level Platform - Actors European Commission – overall coordination Thematic Networks - one per common theme, linked to national networks, expertise for calls Monitoring Group - membership , overview of activities, advice Member States Technical Assistance Tools
EU level platform - Tools Partner Search Database and Forum Database focussed primarily on projects selected under coordinated calls; can include projects from flexible approach Forum organised through internet and "clearinghouse" meetings Website Cater for both common framework and flexible approach
Coordinated Calls Two cycles during the 2014-2020's programming period Each cycle includes a coordinated call for each common theme Each coordinated call comprises national/regional calls Parameters elaborated jointly by Commission and Thematic Networks
Flexible Approach Implementation of transnational cooperation as during the current programming period Support can be provided by EU-level platform through Partner search database Website Participation in ad hoc events