Mrs Willmott Class Teacher, Senior Leader and Creative Team Leader Talk for Writing: An Approach to Teaching Writing Parents’ Information Meeting Mrs Willmott Class Teacher, Senior Leader and Creative Team Leader
Why are we changing the way we teach writing?
What is Talk for Writing What is Talk for Writing? A whole-school, cumulative and systematic process for teaching writing based on what works well in schools. Led by author Pie Corbett and his team of teachers who have been developing and refining the programme over a number of years. Enables children to make faster progress and gain confidence as well as pleasure in writing.
How does it work? It works on a principal that it is impossible to write stories or texts without reading and knowing them. It incorporates grammar, spelling and sentence structure (also learnt through seeing and hearing examples). It equips children with a rich wealth of stories by learning them off by heart and using them to develop own ideas It has a structured learning & teaching sequence: Imitation, Innovation and Invention
Story Maps
Reading as a Reader…
Reading as a Writer…
Boxing up the Text…
Magpie Books and Walls
Making changes to the text…
Independent Application
Independent Application
Independent Application
Independent Application
Supporting your child at home Telling stories at home Learning stories at home (Pie Corbett extracts on YouTube) Supporting reading, reading diaries and reading comprehension Modelling good reading and writing Writing for a purpose Make reading time regular and special Make visits to the library/book shops part of regular routine Make predictions before reading books/review them afterwards Don’t stop reading to them just because they can read!
Supporting your child at home Encourage wide and varied reading Talk through ideas before they start to write Tackle writing in ‘chunks’ Use mind maps, diagrams, flowcharts to support writing Give lots of praise and encouragement Write about what interests them Try hot seating a character in a story they are writing or a book they are reading Give books as presents and rewards