Evelyn B. Freeman Dean & Director Mansfield Campus October 20, 2009 Council of Deans Evelyn B. Freeman Dean & Director Mansfield Campus October 20, 2009
Ohio State’s Regional Campuses
Mansfield Campus 670+ wooded acres with a wetlands Co-located with North Central State College
Campus History OSU classes began at Mansfield Senior High School. 1958 OSU classes began at Mansfield Senior High School. 1966 Ovalwood Hall opened for classes on a 600 acre wooded site. 1970 The first North Central State College building opened. 1972 The first bachelor’s degree in elementary education was offered. 1980 The Associate of Arts degree was approved. 2003 OSU purchased the privately owned student housing apartment complex. 2006 John O. Riedl Hall administration and classroom building opened.
Community Focus Local Board of Trustees Partnership with MedCentral College of Nursing Programs with Mansfield City Schools Algebra Project Legacy Scholars Community work-study program
Molyet Village: University Housing 197 Beds Managed by OSU Housing Filled to occupancy with wait list Students from 38 Ohio counties and one county in New York state Students from Cuyahoga County represent 27% of residents, followed by Stark, Summit, and Medina counties In 2008-2009 13% of residents African American
Our Students 15th day Autumn 2009 enrollment: 1647 Of the undergraduate students: 41% male, 59% female 20% were ages 24 and older 15th day Autumn 2008 enrollment: 1545 Retention Rate: 68.4% (from 2007-2008) Strategic Plan Goal: 75% Campus Change students: Autumn 2008, 19% of total number of students
Diversity Highlights Enrollment of Minority Students Autumn 08: 158 students (98 African American) Autumn 09: 164 students (100 African American) Multicultural Coordinator Multicultural Center opened Autumn 2009 Distinguished Diversity Lecture Programs in partnership with Alumni Club of Richland County Black History Month programs
Scholarships 2008-2009 Amount of local scholarship funds: $850,000 Number of students who received awards: 569 Average amount of scholarship: $1400.00/yr Percent of students who file a FAFSA: 82.3%
Faculty & Staff 2008-2009 Tenure track faculty: 46 (representing 22 different departments) Lecturers (benefits eligible): 25 Part-time auxiliary faculty: 30 A&P staff: 35 CCS staff: 24 CCS, CWA members: 20
Faculty Scholarship Calendar Years 2007 & 2008 Books: 11 Book Chapters 13 Refereed Articles: 64 Non-Refereed Articles: 55 National Professional Presentations: 111 International Professional Presentations: 33 Funded research 2008-2009: $721,491
Academic Programs Associate of Arts Degree Undergraduate Majors Offered English History Psychology Early & Middle Childhood Education (prelicensure) Business RN to BSN program in collaboration with College of Nursing Honors Program
Academic Programs Graduate Majors Offered M.Ed. in Early & Middle Childhood Education (licensure) M.A. in Integrated Teaching & Learning MSW in Social Work Programs for High School Students Post-Secondary Option Seniors to Sophomores
Technology Enhancements Hybrid courses 40 technology enhanced classrooms 9 computer labs 3 high-definition video conferencing rooms OSU Wireless in every campus building Other instructional technologies Local Carmen support Clickers • A hybrid course model has been adopted to deliver courses using a blend of face-to-face and distance delivery methods. This model meets the needs and desires of multiple audiences: traditional-aged college student that like the social aspects of coming to class and non-traditional students that like the flexibility of having to come to campus for a specific class only once a week. (3 delivered, 2 more being developed and 2 others in early design stages). • These hybrid courses offer more flexibility and opportunity for mastery to the leaner because the content is available 24/7. They can also offer potential benefits to the institution by freeing up classroom space and allowing higher course enrollments. • 40 of our classrooms are technology enhanced with a well-equipped instructor’s podium that includes a computer, DVD/VCR, and document camera all connected to a ceiling mounted projector for video output and amplified ceiling mounted speakers for audio output. Everything in the system is controlled from an easy to use control panel on the podium’s desktop. • We have 9 computer labs on campus: 3 Mac, 6 PC • 3 high-def video conferencing rooms that allows for high picture quality for distance learning efforts. • The wireless is exactly the same as the wireless on the Columbus campus and is seamless to any OSU user. There are outdoor areas (i.e. patios and the oval between Ovalwood, Conard, and Eisenhower that have wireless access). • Support for all eLearning ventures is provided by our campus’ own instructional technologist. This includes Carmen support and the hybrid course development. • We have 150 audience response units available for faculty use. 5 faculty regularly use them and we have a newly published study performed on our campus that illustrates their impact.
Student Life Student Leadership Opportunities Student Trustee Buckeye Ambassadors Students serve on campus committees Student Government Campus Activities Board Student Clubs and Organizations Programs and Special Events Mansfield Mavericks
International Initiatives Three faculty awarded Fulbrights since 2004: Australia, Poland, South Africa Haiti Empowerment Project South African Visitors to Mid-Ohio Writing Project Study Abroad trip for students to South Africa Memorandum of Agreement with Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa International Research Sites: Central America, Iceland, South Africa, Tanzania
The Arts Arts & Lecture Series Pearl Conard Art Gallery Choral Performances Theatre Productions School of Music 2009 String Camp Partnerships with community arts organizations
Outreach & Engagement Summer Camps for middle school students Science Camp for Girls Technology Writing Camp Mid-Ohio Writing Project SPARC (3 county P-16 council) University and College Access Network of Richland County Faculty and Staff serve on boards of community nonprofit organizations and social service agencies
Toward the Next 50 Years Increase enrollment to 2000 by 2013 Add bachelor's completion programs that meet community needs and articulate with North Central State College Enhance the curriculum to articulate with specific majors for campus change students Explore additional student housing with private developers Expand eLearning technologies Prepare for Capital Campaign Design improved Student Life facilities
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