Alfred Wegener Investigates Continental Drift
Alfred Wegener Observed He observed that South America and Africa fit together like puzzle pieces.
Alfred Wegener Researched As he began to conduct research he found that Brazil and Africa had fossils of extinct animals that were the same!
Plant Fossils, too He found extinct plants had left their fossils in both Africa and Brazil.
Tropical Plants in the Arctic Wegener found that tropical plants such a ferns that growing in areas around the equator had left fossils on an island in the arctic which is near the North Pole.
Wegener Posed Questions How could rocks be exactly the same in Brazil and Africa? How could fossils the exactly the same in Brazil and Africa? How could tropical fossils be found at the North Pole?
Wegener Inferred Alfred Wegener proposed that the continents must move. He thought that at one time the continents must have all been connected in one big super continent. He called that super continent Pangaea