Photoshop Quick Fixes: How To remove acne/pimples
The woman in this stock image has some red, inflamed pimples The woman in this stock image has some red, inflamed pimples. However, it’s relatively easy to remove them in photoshop!
Click the “New Layer” button once you open your image Click the “New Layer” button once you open your image. Rename this new layer to something along the lines of “spot healing”.
Click the Spot Healing Brush Tool. This tool replaces the selected texture with texture from the surrounding area. So the pimple will essentially be ‘covered up’ with the same texture of skin from the surrounding areas.
Make sure the “Sample All Layers” box is checked. Also, double check to see if the “constant-aware” button is also selected. If it isn’t selected, then select it.
I’ve zoomed in on the image to make it easier to see where the pimples are. Change the mode of the brush from “Normal” to “Lighten”. This step is optional, but often you find better results with the “Lighten” mode.
Now, start clicking on all the pimples that you want to “erase” Now, start clicking on all the pimples that you want to “erase”. The end result should look something like this.