Student name Student ID Degree program Area of specialization
Title of the Internship Report
Brief Introduction of the Organization Describe the overview, product lines, business volume and competitors of the organization. Introduction of the branch where you did your internship
Organizational Structure Organizational hierarchy chart Organization Management Analysis (OMA)
Training Program Describe the tasks you have performed during internship program OR Describe the project if you have been assigned during internship
Structure and Functions of the MIS/IT Department Department hierarchy Major responsibilities and functions of the department
Structure and function of the department you worked in. In case you worked other than MIS/IT department. Department hierarchy Department functions Feasibility report to computerize the functions of that department.
Critical Analysis Comparison of organization’s strategies with its vision and mission statements Comparison of organization’s practices with the theoretical concepts
Organization’s Analysis SWOT Analysis Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix External Factor Evaluation Matrix TOWS Matrix Competitive Profile Matrix BCG Growth-Share Matrix Porter Five Forces Matrix Asnoff Matrix
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