Data exchange between ENP-South countries and Eurostat


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Presentation transcript:

Data exchange between ENP-South countries and Eurostat Medstat III, Trade TF Luxembourg, 13 and 14 December 2010 Francesco Natalini Raponi ,Eurostat

Presentation plan Part 1: The annual cycle of the data process: - A seven step guide / review - including new features etc.; Part 2: Outcome of last round and observations Part 3: The timetable for the 2010/11 data collection

Part 1: Data process in seven steps Steps 2 and 3 Step 7 Step 4 Step 6 Edamis Step 5 SAM/MIS Oracle SAM/MIS Access Step 1: Eurostat makes available full data sets to the partner countries and new questionnaires Step 2: Single contact points in the partner countries lift data into their local MIS, pre-fill new questionnaires and send them to the data production institutions in their statistical system Step 3: Questionnaires are updated and revised by the data production institutions in the statistical systems Step 4: Updated and revised questionnaire sent back from partner country to ESTAT through EDAMIS (ESTAT’s single data entry point) Step 5: To and fro with validation questions and answers Step 6: Validated data uploaded into database (‘Eurobase’) Step 7: Eurobase used to generate tables and analyses for publication Steps 2-5: Partner country involvement Steps 1, 6-7: ESTAT only

Part 1, Step 1: ESTAT returning data to partner countries The starting point of each data cycle represents the end of the previous cycle: Each partner country receives a full set of data (i.e. all data available for partner countries) Data are prepared in an Access file by ESTAT and uploaded into CIRCA. Each National Co-ordinator for Information Systems can then connect the files to their local MIS. The files will not be sent by ESTAT to each of the sectors!

Part 1, Step 2: Partner country pre-filling Each National Co-ordinator for Information Systems in the partner countries will lift data into the local MIS ESTAT has made available a manual on CIRCA and will instruct (by phone or by e-mail) Each National Co-ordinator for Information Systems in the partner countries - will pre-fill the new questionnaires using the MIS; it is fast and automated - will distribute the pre-filled questionnaires to the data providers in their statistical system NCs generate the new questionnaires prefilled with the data previously received and validated, and with an additional year to be completed.

Part 1, Step 3: Questionnaire updates and revisions Thematic National Co-ordinators involved in this key step Requires co-ordinated response from all actors in the statistical system Use experience of what has worked and what has not worked in previous collection rounds

Cont.: Questionnaire – new features - New values automatically in Yellow - Revised values in Green - Deleted values in Purple - Can now add comments to cells - Outlier detection (now flag in column)

Cont.: Questionnaire – BOP

Cont.: Questionnaire – BOP

Cont.: Questionnaire – TRADE IN GOODS

Cont.: Questionnaire – key messages Avoid changing the questionnaires (such as deleting lines) please. Otherwise, the links to the validation rules and export functions are broken Check that units correspond to the predefined units Check that flags used correspond to the predefined ones In the validation sheets, check for ‘error flags’ that may be triggered; either explain in the methodology worksheet or as a comment in data worksheet. Ditto for ‘outliers’ in the datasheet Check that the file corresponds to associated data set

Part 1, Step 4: Return of the questionnaire via EDAMIS Questionnaires returned to ESTAT through EDAMIS. Work of National Co-ordinators for Information Systems. This part could be relevant if the access to sending back social statistics has been extended beyond the NC.

Part 1, Step 5: ESTAT validation checks ESTAT carry out other crossover validation checks Where ESTAT has data cell queries, the National Co-ordinators for Information Systems are contacted. In turn, the thematic NCs are usually contacted to confirm, advise or revise data. Where revisions are made, the files are resent by the IS NCs to ESTAT.

Part 1, Step 6: Upload of Eurobase After the validation process, ESTAT uploads the data to Eurobase (its free dissemination database): - in phase 1 to a test environment (to check that transfiguration codes work) - in phase 2 to the public version of the database

Cont.: Eurobase access Data are available to the public for FREE Data can be downloaded in five formats including Excel Tables can be bookmarked in static, rolling or fixed format So where can you find the data? Go to ESTAT’s homepage:

Part 1, Step 7: Production of publications ESTAT then use data to publicise the region. The publications are also FREE to view on line Dissemination includes the Pocketbook (free online): Includes Leaflets and Statistics in Focus (free online):

Part 2: Outcome of last round and observations Database up-to-date New Pocketbook published Copies have been sent to the partner countries ESTAT thanks you and your colleagues – without you, this publication would not be possible Specific analyses in form of SiFs to be developed

Part 2: Observations from last round collection Number of variables requested Per country Total Balance of Payment 132 1188 External trade 49 441 Partner Countries questionnaire responses varied outcome Need to check how they are sent out and to whom (single entry) A B C D E F G H I 1 2

Part 2: Observations from last round collection External trade and BoP variables : Lower completeness in BoP 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Ex.Tr 436 437 438 440 - BoP 483 487 560 595 579 514 321 External trade Unknown variables (in percent of the Tot.): Increase in last collection The 2008 response rate was about one third of all agricultural variables. 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Imp 4.7 6.4 3.7 5.8 4.2 5.0 5.6 8.4 Exp 2.9 0.9 0.3 0.4 3.4

Part 2: Key messages for thematic NCs Completeness: Hope to increase BoP dataset replies, particularly from some partners Timeliness: Hope to have more timely data from some partners Both 2008 & 2009 updates if possible Clarity: Hope that the classification of goods can be reviewed to minimize the size of unknowns

Part 3: The new data collection schedule 25 October - 15 November 2010: DONE Step 1: ESTAT preparation of the files and notes for installing the system. Draft letter to the MED countries on the use of EDAMIS. 19 November - 29 November 2010: DONE Step 2: ESTAT contact the countries by mail or by phone for remote installation. Pre-filling by countries begins. 30 November - 15 January 2011: Steps 3 and 4: Partner countries update and revise questionnaire and resend using EDAMIS From 17 January – 10 February 2011: Step 5: Cross-over validation – finalising all data

Part 3: Cont. 10 Feb – 24 Feb 2011: Step 6: ESTAT to upload database into test environment. 1 March – July 2011: Step 6 cont: ESTAT to transfer data to the free, public Eurobase. Step 7: ESTAT to produce and publish next Pocketbook.