LUPUS EST HOMO HOMINI Man is wolf to man Man displays predatory behavior to other men (though wolves don’t do this to their own kind)
MAGNUM OPUS A great work An artist’s finest work
MEA CULPA My fault Through my fault, I am to blame
MEMENTO MORI Remember to die A reminder we are to die; a human skull is a memento mori
MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO Sound mind in a sound body An ideal to strive for; comes from a satire written by the poet Juvenal in 2nd century AD
MIRABILE DICTU Wonderful to tell Phrase expressing astonishment
MIRABILE VISU Wonderful to see Companion phrase to mirabile dictu
MODUS OPERANDI (m.o.) Manner of working Pattern a criminal follows
NE PLUS ULTRA Not more beyond Nothing better than this; Perfection; Supremacy of a product
NIHIL OBSTAT (QUOMINUS IMPRIMATUR) Nothing inhibits it from being published Stamped in books after the church okays a book for publication; indicates that book contains nothing damaging to faith or morals