Online Registration-Instructions Step by Step Camp Bud Schiele Please use from a desktop or laptop device. Make sure you have Flash installed on your system. Online Registration-Instructions Step by Step
1. Login to your Troop Account from the Piedmont Council website. www 1. Login to your Troop Account from the Piedmont Council website. (Your troop account has already been activated. If you do not know your user id and password, please contact the Council Office.)
2. Populate or Update your Roster to reflect youth and adults attending camp.
3. First Name & Last Name are the only required fields for youth participants. “Although, any information you fill out will be helpful. For example, Rank and Special Dietary Needs. However, Shirt Size does not ensure a camp t-shirt. T-Shirts can be purchased at camp or by unit leaders pre-ordering t-shirts online as a group.”
(cont.) Adding Adults to Rosters: For Adults, the required fields are First Name, Last Name, Troop Position, and Gender. “Any fields completed above the required fields will be helpful. For example, email address and special dietary restrictions. Shirt Size does not ensure a camp t-shirt”
4. Once your roster is ready, click on the Home Icon 4. Once your roster is ready, click on the Home Icon. Make sure your week of camp is highlighted. Next, click on the Event Registration Icon.
5. Assign scouts and Adults from your Roster to the Event 5. Assign scouts and Adults from your Roster to the Event. Click on the participant name and “Create Registration”
6. To continue, pick classes for the scout.
Click and Drag After all classes are assigned, click “Save” 7. Drag Class to the box on the left. Classes that remain are available classes.
8. From this screen you can add another youth or adult, but I highly recommend clicking “Check Out” Especially with troops having five or more scouts.
9. “Your order has been placed successfully 9. “Your order has been placed successfully.” If, you receive errors, it is possible a class you have signed up for may be full. You will not be able to submit an order or hold any classes until this error is resolved. This is why it is imperative to sign up one scout at a time.
10. To quickly go back to registering more scouts and adults 10. To quickly go back to registering more scouts and adults. Click on Event Registration. 11. Click on New Youth or Adult Registration and repeat cycle, or go to slide 7 to repeat the instructions.
Tips: 1. Be organized. Have a list available starting with scouts who must have a certain class. 2. Next, start with scouts that have classes with a small class size. 3. Have alternate merit badge ready in case a class is full. 4. Be patient and know that opening night can be stressful. Not everything is set in stone. Realize that slots become available all the time. Check back periodically on availability. Email your concerns; it may be possible to add classes. If you have questions, concerning program, please Contact Joshua Trivett, Camp Bud Schiele Program Director. For concerns on online registration, contact Kara Miller.