The Scientific Method Science
The Scientific Method The Goal of Science The goal of science is to understand the world around us. For example, what causes lightning? How are giant sea waves ( Tsunamis ) created?
The Scientific Method How did the first life evolve? The Scientific Method The scientific method is a step by step approach to problem solving.
The Basic Steps of the Scientific Method 1. Observation Make observations and state a problem to be solved. 2. Gather information on the problem. 3. Form a hypothesis (suggest a possible solution a if and then question). 4. Perform experiments to test the hypothesis. 5. State a conclusion that sums up the results. The First Microscope
The Scientific Method The Experiment Variables Scientists design an experiment so that changes to one item cause something else to vary in a predictable way. The things that go into the experiment are called variables, and an experiment usually has three kinds of varibles: 1. independent varible, 2.dependent varible, and 3. control varible. In the cartoon, milk, water, juice, acid, and syrup are variables.
The Scientific Method The independent variable is the one thing that is changed by the scientist. In an experiment there is only one independent variable. Ask yourself, “What are you (the scientist) doing or changing in this experiment?”
Change (Results) The Scientific Method The dependent variable changes in response to the change the scientist makes to the independent variable. Ask yourself, “What are you trying to record or measure?” This is the dependent variable. Change (Results)
Things that remain the same throughout the experiment The Scientific Method Controlled variables are variables that a scientist wants to remain constant, there may be several of them. Things that remain the same throughout the experiment
The Scientific Method Repeating the Work Before the conclusion of a scientist can be accepted by the scientific community, other scientists must repeat the experiment and check the results.
Control Group – This is the group that we use to compare our experimental group with. It is the group we DO NOTHING TO. We might use a placebo (fake drug, substance, or material) as the control group. Experimental Group – This is the group that we do the experiment on.
EXAMPLE: Spongebob Squarepants decided that he wanted to make Bikini-Bottom beautiful with new plants. He felt that if he gave these plants fertilizer, they would grow nice and tall. For Group A, Spongebob gave the plants Supergro Fertilizer. However, He did not give Group B any fertilizer. At the end of the month, Spongebob noticed that the plants given Supergro Fertilizer grew an extra 20 cm.
Hypothesis: “If I give plants fertilizer, then they will increase in growth.” Independent Variable: Fertilizer Dependent Variable: plant growth Control Group: Group with NO Fertilizer (Group B) Experimental Group: Group GIVEN fertilizer (Group A) Conclusion: Spongebob was correct. If you add Supergro Fertilizer, the plants will grow
Homer notices that his shower is covered in a strange green slime Homer notices that his shower is covered in a strange green slime. His friend Barney tells him that coconut juice will get rid of the green slime. Homer decides to check this out by spraying half of the shower with coconut juice. He sprays the other half of the shower with water. After 3 days of "treatment" there is no change in the appearance of the green slime on either side of the shower.
What was the initial observation. Identify the- What was the initial observation? Identify the- Green slime was growing in the shower 2. Control Group Shower half that was treated with water 3. Independent Variable coconut juice 4. Dependent Variable The growth of the slime 5. What should Homer's conclusion be? Three days of treatment with coconut juice did not remove the green slime
The Scientific Method Testing Insulation Video (4 mins) In the clip, thermal insulating material is tested. Try to identify the independent, dependent, and several control variables.
The Scientific Method Testing Yeast Video (4 mins) In the clip, yeast is tested to determine what it likes to eat. Try to identify the independent, dependent, and several control variables.
Monty Python science
Scientific Method, Variables and the Grail