Homophones, Homonyms, & Transition Words SAT Prep Friday
Homophones Words that sound the same but are spelled differently Example: too, to, two their, there, they’re by, buy, bye
20 Most Common Homophones affect/effect than/then which/witch here/hear are/our buy/by accept/except weather/whether there/their/they’re too/two/to you’re/your bear/bare one/won brake/break complement/compliment aloud/allowed lie/lay it’s/its capital/capitol principle/principal With a partner, look up 10 homophone pairs that you need to review. Be ready to share what you found.
Homonyms Words that sound and are SPELLED the same, but mean two different things. Example: beat and beat bear and bear saw and saw address and address
As individuals think of or look up other examples of homonyms As individuals think of or look up other examples of homonyms. Share and compare with a partner. Be ready to share with the class.
Transition Words Yes, These are Real Words! Furthermore Heretofore Herinafter Inasmuch Insofar Likewise Moreover Nevertheless Nonetheless Notwithstanding Ought Ongoing Therefore Thereby Whereas Whereby For each of these words, find 3 synonyms and add these to your notes.