Materials and their properties Objective: To investigate strength of materials
Building Materials needed: 3) Find out which material is the strongest. 2) Create ideas for how to investigate material strength. 1) Identify properties of various materials.
Can you give properties of an unknown material in a feely bag? First Thing Can you give properties of an unknown material in a feely bag? Is it flexible? Is it smooth? Is it rough? Is it squidgy? Does it feel cold? Is it hard? Is it slippery?
Going Shopping 2 minutes to discuss The other day, when I was walking home with my shopping, the paper bag ripped! The food went everywhere! But how could you find out which paper is best to use? Yeah, maybe! However, the bag should have been stronger and not ripped! Maybe the shop needs to change the type of paper the bags are made from. You must have over-filled your bags! 2 minutes to discuss Going Shopping
Keeping it fair Fair Test Remember, we are only changing one thing (variable) and that is the type of paper! So what must we keep the same? Fair Test Keeping it fair
1: Prediction I think that the ______ paper will be the strongest. I think this because ___________________________. Your Task 2: Diagram 3: Results 4: Conclusion My group found that ________ paper was the strongest. This shows that my prediction was correct / incorrect
Final Thing Hmmm… which type of paper did you find was the strongest? Let´s check! Click here! What was the range of your results?