Modern Conservatism As the US industrialized, conservatives came to disfavor government in the economy and embraced laissez-faire (free-market) economics. With the advent of the “welfare state” (the New Deal), conservatives became much more obviously associated with business interests and emphasized individual property rights and limited government (classical liberalism). Modern conservatives accept modern democracy and civil rights but tend to oppose quotas and affirmative action.
Modern Conservatism cont… Modern conservatives tend to support “starving the beast” (i.e. the state) by lowering taxation, limiting the expansion of or cutting back government programs, and promoting economic growth through deregulation of industries. They tend to oppose redistribution of wealth through tax policies. They often see the media and higher education as dominated by liberals and in part responsible for a moral decline in the country. They tend to favor “states rights” over federal government impositions.
Modern Conservatism cont… Modern conservatives tend to decry the impact of much popular culture (the product of free markets?) and believe the government should promote virtue and individual as well as social responsibility. Today, many modern conservatives believe abortion to be the single most important political and moral issue. In foreign policy, conservatives tend to favor strict definitions of national security before supporting military intervention (President George W. Bush’s administration was quite different in part due to the impact of the 9/11 attacks).
Modern Conservatism cont… Most modern conservatives tend to be members of the Republican Party.