New Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE Policy) Applies to all Colas Rail employees and contractors. Introduced to improve the protection against Silicosis from Silica within Ballast Dust. Two key changes introduced through this policy: All sites to be designated ‘Ballast Dust Potential’ or ‘non-Ballast Dust Potential’. All staff reporting for duty at a ‘Ballast Dust Potential’ site to do so clean shaven if issued with a FFP3 Dust Mask. The new policy has been consulted with the Trade Unions.
New Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE Policy) Sites to be identified as ‘Ballast Dust Potential’ if there is the potential that dust from track ballast will be disturbed through any task on the site. All rosters and resource requests must identify whether the site is ‘Ballast Dust Potential’. Staff and contractors must arrive at site clean shaven* if booked on to a Ballast Dust Potential site. Site Manager / COSS will risk assess using CARL app if RPE is not required for any activity on a Ballast Dust Potential site. For Staff, alternative RPE will be provided as personal issue if facial hair is present for religious or health reasons (Doctor’s note required). Contractor companies should make their own arrangements. Staff arriving on a Ballast Dust Potential site not clean shaven will be logged via a Close Call and kept away from any Ballast Dust. * Clean Shaven is defined as having shaved within 8 hours of the start of shift.
South Alliance: Period Theme Key Points: Colas will designate worksites or activities as a ‘Dust Risk Potential’ where airborne dust risk is likely to be present. By Default all track renewal worksites will be identified as ‘Dust Risk Potential’. All shifts will be reviewed to determine which shift(s) is designated as ‘Dust Risk Potential’. Close Calls per depot
South Alliance: Period Theme Key Points: All staff must presenting themselves for work with their issued RPE in good condition on each shift designated ‘Dust Risk Potential’. Where seal fitted (FFP3) RPE is being used individuals must be clean shaven around the dust mask seal area when signing in on these shifts regardless of the task they are undertaking. Close Calls per depot