e-Science for High Energy Physics


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Presentation transcript:

e-Science for High Energy Physics August 21-24, 2007 The 10th Asia Pacific Physics Conference Pohang, Korea e-Science for High Energy Physics Kihyeon Cho e-Science Applications Research Team December 2, 2018

Outline The ultimate goal of e-HEP Infrastructure of e-HEP e-HEP @KISTI Achievements Conclusions

The ultimate goal of e-HEP After constructing e-Science research environment, To study high energy physics any place and any time, even if we are not on-site. Data Production Cyber Control Room Data Processing Data Center, Grid Farm Data Publication VRVS, EVO (Enabling Virtual Organization)

e-HEP Research Institutes CDF @FNAL, USA (Current) Theory Lattice Gauge Theory Phenomenology CMS / ALICE / NA49 @CERN, Swiss PHENIX /STAR @BNL, USA Belle @KEK, Japan (Current)

PPNP research community France-Korea PPL (LIA) e-HEP PPNP research community France-Korea PPL (LIA) KISTI e-Science applications team e-Science Service e-Science IT team ALICE Tier 2 Center CDF Middleware Bio ILC R&D … Grid team Supercomputing support team Supercomputing support team KISTI CA AIX OS(IBM) Linux OS LCG/gLite Resource e-Science IT team Storage Visualization Daejeon Seoul KREONET GLORIAD Busan Gwangju e-Science support team Supercomputer, Cluster Supercomputing operation team Supercomputing operation team Network team

GLORIAD 10G Networks Seattle KISTI, Korea (Daejeon) KRLight OC192 OC192 Seattle, US Hong Kong, CN 2*10G Russia (Novosibirsk) CANARIE, Canada KREONET Calgary Toronto Moscow US Seattle NYC China (Beijing) 10G (KR-US) EU Amsterdam Chicago CNIC, China (Hong Kong) KISTI, Korea (Daejeon) 10G (KR-HK) StarLight OC192 GLO-KR/ CANARIE nodes (L1, L2) OC192 GLIF node (CANARIE, PW) Korea OC192 HKLight Korea 10GE PacificWave CSTNET

KIX, DACOM IX, KT IX, BIX,6NGIX National Network US 10G 5G Seoul 5G 20G 10G ChoongBook Inchean 5G 5G Pohang Suwan 5G 5G KyungBook Cheanahn DaeJeon Busan 10G 5G Changwan Junju 10G HK GwnagJu 1G KIX, DACOM IX, KT IX, BIX,6NGIX 2.5G JEJU

e-HEP @KISTI High Energy Physics Applications Outline Research Area Goal Research for e-Science data center Contents - ALICET Tier2 Center Pacific CAF (CDF Analysis Farm) France-Korea Particle physics Laboratory (CDF) ALICE Tier2 Center Pacific CAF(CDF Analysis Farm) Construction using LCG farm France-Korea Particle Physics Laboratory (LIA) - CDF Achievements KISTI participates in CDF (March 2007) KISTI (Korea)-CNRS (France) MoU (April 2007) Constructing and leading Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics Research Community in Korea (November 2006)

Achievement 1 ALICE Tier2 Data Center 800 process 50 Tbyte (2008) ALICE 30 node 2 TByte (current) e-Science researcher 30 node/2TByte, around 50 processes per day

Achievement 2 CDF Experiment - Pacific CAF To participate in CDF experiment (2007.3) To build massive data process To construct Pacific CDF Analysis Farm (CAF) Pacific CAF Korea-France Particle Physics Laboratory (LIA project) ALICE VO CDF VO Bio VO LCG Tier2 (ALICE Tier2) Center Venus 40 node ⇒ Supercomputer 4

Achievement 2 CDF Experiment - Pacific CAF The federation of ASGC, U. of Tsukuba and KNU To support 800 researchers (domestic ~30) Tsukuba U., Japan (jpcaf) KISTI (LCG) KNU (korcaf) ASGC, Taiwan

France-Korea e-Science Cooperation Achievement 3 France Korea Particle Physics Lab. (LIA) CNRS-KISTI MoU (2007.4.) To construct LIA (Laboratory International Associate) Particle Physics, bio informatics, Grid Computing Contents Sharing Techniques France IN2P3 Korea KISTI Grid, e-Science France-Korea e-Science Cooperation

Achievement 3 France Korea Particle Physics Lab. (LIA) To collaborate with CNRS/IN2P3 including CDF Leading Group France (IN2P3) Korea (KISTI) Co-Directors Vincent Breton, LPC-Clermont Ferrand Ok-Hwan Byeon, KISTI ALICE Pascal Dupieux, LPC-Clemento Ferrand, Do-Won Kim, Kangnung N. Univ. ILC Detector R&D Jean-Claude Brient, LLR-Ecole Polytechnique, Jongman Yang, Ewha Univ. BioInformatics Doman Kim, Chonnam Univ. CDF Aurore Savoy Navarro, LPNHE/IN2P3-CNRS Kihyeon Cho, Grid Computing Dominique Boutigny, CC-IN2P3 Soonwook Hwang,

Achievement 4 Leading PPNP community To hold PPNP (Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics) workshop 2/26/07, 9/12/07 To construct EVO system ⇒ To provide e-Science collaborative research environment

Conclusions e-HEP is a representative of e-Science project. High Energy Physics is one of e-Science Top Brands @ KISTI. KISTI is leading for e-Science for High Energy Physics in Korea. KISTI is constructing ALICE Tier2 center. KISTI participates in CDF experiment and collaborates with Taiwan, Japan and KNU to form a federation of Pacific CAF.