Report from the S-100WG to NCWG2 26-29 April 2016, IHB, Monaco (IHO S-100 Working Group) to NCWG2 26-29 April 2016, IHB, Monaco
Meetings S-100WG1 – 14-18 March 2016, Tokyo, Japan Held in conjunction with ENCWG1 and DPSWG11 > 50 attendees S-100/S-101 Test Strategy Meeting 3 – 22-24 September 2015, Jeju Island, ROK
Actions on the S-100WG from HSSC7 The Committee endorsed the continuation of the activities of the Working Group, according to the work plan finalized under agenda item 10 and urged the working group to make its best effort to meet the associated milestones, subject to the IHO Member States strengthening their support to the Working Group. Action HSSC7/06 The Committee welcomed the proposal to recruit a permanent Registry Manager as part of the proposed IHO Budget for 2016. Actions HSSC7/07 and HSSC7/08 The Committee noted the report on Under Keel Clearance Management and established a Project Team reporting to the S-100WG. Actions HSSC7/09 and HSSC7/10
NCWG Activities Reported to S-100WG1 Publication of S-4 Edition 4.6.0 and new Editions of DE and ES INT1s Progress of development of new version of S-11 part A The future of the paper chart Transition of focus in nautical cartography from paper chart requirements to ENC/ECDIS Specification and abbreviation for radio activated AtoN (action NCWG1/16) Offshore accommodation vessels any necessary changes to S-52 and S-101 (action NCWG1/21)
NCWG Activities Reported to S-100WG1 (2) Refuge areas (anchorages) New value for category of anchorage required? (S-101PT) Removal of star on Light Vessel mast from S-52 symbol (action NCWG1/35)
Activities of the S-100WG Colours of V-AIS Aids to Navigation in ECDIS (action NCWG1/36) Both options will be tested in S-100/S-101 Test Beds New Project Teams confirmed for the development of Under Keel Clearance Management (S-10X) and Maritime Limits and Boundaries (S-121) Product Specifications in S-100 Development of a Portrayal Catalogue Builder NCWG will need to consider nominating a representative of the Working Group to participate as member of the Portrayal Register Control Board
Activities of the S-100WG (2) S-100 Interoperability Product Specification Intent is to develop an interoperability specification and catalogue for determining the interaction and display priority of information that is included in an ECDIS Currently in the analysis stage NCWG will need to consider providing advice/input to this project New version of S-100 (Edition 3.0.0) expected during mid-2017
Activities of the S-100WG (S-101PT) Latest versions of S-57 to S-101 Convertor; S-101 Feature Catalogue; S-101 Viewer; and sample S-101 Datasets have been made available for S-100WG members to evaluate S- 101. “Navigational” and “Regulatory” restrictions (action CSPCWG9/22) Agreed to test an implementation of paper S-101PT-03.3 in S-100/S-101 test beds Buildings above water (action NCWG1/30). Encoding approved and portrayal options to be investigated. S-101 Value Added Roadmap to be placed on IHO web site.
Activities of the S-100WG (S-101PT) (2) S-101 ENC validation Checks initial draft will be developed from S-58 Edition 6 (when it is published) New Baseline version of the S-101 Data Classification and Encoding Guide to be completed before end of may 2016
Action requested of NCWG Note this report Discuss activities of the S-100WG in terms of possible impacts on NCWG