CJK B3G WG Report
Summary Date : 9th and 10th of April Location: Crystal Ballroom, Grand Hotel, Jeju, Korea Attendants: ARIB(6), CCSA(11), TTA(12) Main topic CJK B3G activities information sharing ITU-R WP8F Information Sharing White Paper Discussion
CJK B3G activities information sharing Each SDO established Evaluation Group on WiMax to inclusion for IMT-2000 in ITU-R WP8F Regarding evaluation group activities, each SDOs made a list of contact persons to share and exchange relevant information ARIB : Mr. Shiraishi, Motoi(m-shirai@arib.or.jp) CCSA : Mr. Wan, Yi(wnayi@catr.com.cn), Mr. Dong, Xiaolu(dongxiaolu@mail.ritt.com.cn) Mr. Lang, Baozhen(lanbaozhen@mail.ritt.com.cn) TTA : Mr. Kim, Daejung(kdj@tta.or.kr) Some information like NGMN, Status of frequency allocation and licenses for 3G and BWA in Japan (Japan will decide service for 2.5MHz within three months), China’s position on WRC 1.4 (China government supports 2300MHz-2400MHz in the candidate bands and prefers Method 1 in CPM text ) was shared.
ITU-R WP8F Information Sharing SDO shared the outcomes at the WP8F Cameroon meeting and future plan in AH-Circular letter/WG -SERV/WG-SPEC/WG-TECH Based on CCSA's presentation, 3 SDOs share their opinion and information on branch points of WP8F sharing studies. Current Sharing Studies List in ITU-R WP8F - Sharing studies between IMT-Advanced and the Fixed Satellite Service in the 3 400-4 200 and 4 500-4 800 MHz band - Sharing studies between IMT-Advanced and Radiolocation Services in the 2 700-2 900 and 3 400-3 700 MHz band - Sharing studies between IMT-2000 and Terrestrial Digital Broadcasting in the 470-806/862 MHz band - Sharing studies between radiocommunication services and IMT systems operating in the 450-470 MHz band - Sharing studies between IMT-2000 and Fix/Nomadic BWA systems in the 2 500-2 690 MHz band - Sharing studies between IMT-2000 and other MBWA systems operating in the 2 500-2 690 MHz band
White Paper - System Req. Each SDO's editor presented each part of revision of White Paper and a certain part of White Paper should be decided after the next WP8F Kyoto meeting. ARIB propose Scope of White Paper (Service trends and service features, Spectrum requirements, General requirements, Technology) and was agreed.
White Paper-Enabling Tech. CCSA presented ESS (Extended Service Set) load balancing and System level simulation for enabling tech of White Paper (to be inserted 7.5.2) and more detail will be give next meeting ARIB explained some new enabling tech and added it in enabling tech part of White Paper. ARIB proposed Scope of Enabling tech and agreed.
Working Method & Schedule of White Paper Editor Group will consolidate enabling tech part of White Paper through e-mail discussion. System Requirement and Enabling Tec (Ver.1) will be approved at the end of July through e-mail discussions. < Working Schedule> System Req. of White Paper Enabling Tech. of White Paper November of 2006 Confirm the draft 2nd step of phase II(~2007/7) Combine the materials from SDOs E-mail discussion among editors Confirm the draft v1.0 (consolidated version) Continue to v2.0 July of 2007 Approved 1st step of phase III(2007/7 ~) work description, work plan and work method will be decided e.g. analyze and evaluate the technologies in the version 1
Next Meeting September 2007 in China (Before WRC-07) Meeting Location will be announced from CCSA Thank you for our participants